I apologize for the delay of bringing you my picks.
I had a lot of work related holiday parties to attend to so my timing was just a little off.
So, without anymore distractions, here are my picks for December 20, 017.
Jim Henson Storyteller Fairies #1 (of 4)
Kong on the Planet of the Apes #2
Dark Horse
Joe Golem Occult Detective Flesh & Blood #1
DC Comics
Batman Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II #2 (of 6)
Rom & the Micronauts #1 (of 5)
Deadpool vs. Old Man Logan (2017-) #3 (of 5)
Star Wars: Doctor Aphra (2016-) #15
Well, that does it for another exciting week in the world of comics.
Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays from yours truly.
Until next time, get your READ on!
Comic Cover of the Week
Ninja-K #2 (Icon Variant)
Valiant Comics
Cover Art by Ben Templesmith