This will not be my typical review for a comic for one good reason, you need to stop what you are doing and go to your local comic shop and buy this issue. This issue is amazing! It is well written, well drawn, and the surprises are never-ending.
This issue begins with the battle of a classic battle of good and evil in Ancient Egypt. The storyteller is none other than the warlock Wotan and the audience is his hostage aka Flash’s mom. In case you missed issue # 10, Wotan kidnapped the Flash’s mom to get the Flash and his new “friend” Khalid into Fate’s tower to retrieve the helmet of Fate. If they fail, then they die as well as Flash’s mom. so, needless to say there is a lot at stake.
Elsewhere in this issue, we are drawn to Steppenwolf’s chambers where he commands Fury to find the lost son of Highfather, which as we find out is Mister Miracle. Oh, let me tell you when I turned the page and saw Mister Miracle as well as Big Barda, I cried a little. You will to, trust me.
Anyway, back to our Fate story, we find Khalid is willing to lose his mind to accept the gift that Fate is offering him. When puzzled about Khalid’s new decision, Nabu asked why. Khalid simply answered that after watching the Flash risk his life to save his, he just knew it was right. And so Dr. Fate is born.
My God, the writing in this issue is amazing! I was upset when I ran out of pages to read. The fact that two of my old school favorites have been giving life in this Earth 2 series has really brightened my days. I look forward to the next story as well as future Dr. Fate and Mister Miracle stories. Bravo DC, bravo!
I give this issue a 15 out of 10 rating because it kicks that much ass!
Writer: James Robinson
Penciller: Nicola Scott
Publisher: DC Comics