Lets be honest. There’s really only one movie coming out this week that’s going to get any sort of attention. Why pretend otherwise?
Billiam’s Pick of the Week
Captain America: Civil War: Come on. What else was it going to be? There are some interesting movies coming out this week, but this one is by far the biggest and the one that’s going to be on everyone’s radar. All the other players in the comic book movie game may still be hit and miss but Marvel Studios is still leading the way. Do you really need me to tell you why you should see this movie? Of course not. You already know if you’re going to see it. If you’re like me, then you already have your ticket! Marvel makes good movies. So good that nerds are generally forgiving when they mess with the story. Captain America:Civil War is going to be entertaining at the very least if not great. That’s why Marvel’s game is so strong. They make the movies fun. As a bonus, this will be our first glimpse of the new Spider-Man. I still think that Marvel should have kept that a secret so fans would lose their minds in the theaters, but hey, it’s all part of the hype machine. You’ve seen the trailer already, but here it is anyway.
A Bigger Splash: Now if you’re a dirty hipster then this is probably the movie you’re excited for. Tilda Swinton (The Chronicles of Narnia) plays an old rock star who’s on vacation with her filmmaker boyfriend played by Matthias Schoenaerts (The Drop, The Danish Girl). Things start to get interesting when an old friend shows up out of no where played by Ralph Fiennes (Schindler’s List) along with his daughter played by Dakota Johnson (Black Mass). This one sure looks good but I’m going to be honest. I won’t see it. Not in theaters at least. Not with Keanu and Captain America on my todo list of the week. This looks like it’ll be a rollercoaster with some very fun and lighthearted moments followed up with scenes that are deeper than the Grand Canyon. Keep this one in mind if you want to see something different.
Elstree 1976: I really want to see this one but I have trouble justifying watching a non IMAX documentary in theaters. Most of the time I can just wait and buy it for a reasonable price off Amazon when it comes out on video. Elstree 1976 is a documentary about people who had small roles or who were extras in Star Wars. In this documentary they talk about their experiences making the movie as well as their interactions with fans and how Star Wars changed their lives. This is probably going to be a limited release so even if this really interests you, you may unfortunately have to wait for DVD/Blu-ray. My Google-Fu shows me that this was a kickstarter that got some steam behind it. Let’s see how big of a release it gets.
Also Coming Out The Week of May 6th
Pele: This is a biopic about legendary footballer (soccer player) Pele and how he went from a poor life in a small village to becoming one of the most famous athletes to ever play the game. This stars Kevin de Paula (no credits to his name) and Vincent D’Onofrio (Dardevil, Full Metal Jacket)
Dark Horse: A documentary about a group of friends who get into the horse racing business by gathering together to breed a racehorse.
Being Charlie: A trouble teen escapes from a drug treatment center and his parents send him to an adult rehab facility. He meets a girl there named Eva as he comes to terms with his addiction, love, and the relationship with his parents.
Band of Outsiders: This is a rerelease of a 1964 movie by director Jean-Luc Godard. It’s about, and I quote from IMDB, “Two crooks with a fondness for old Hollywood B-movies convince a languages student to help them commit a robbery.