This review continues with the Green Lantern Rise of the Third Army story arc. I will be discussing Green Lantern: New Guardians #14, Red Lanterns #14, and Green Lantern Corps #15 in this review. For those of you who are reading the Lantern titles you are aware of the situation, for those of you who haven’t been keeping up here is what you need to know. The Guardians have created a new army of “protectors” and they are killing every lantern in their path.
In Green Lantern: New Guardians #14, we find Kyle learning how to master his ring. This time he is calling on the power of the Yellow Lanterns. He tries to get help from Arkillo who has nothing to do with it at first. After a great battle and a little talk with a Star Sapphire, he reconsiders because he wants to know what has happen to Sinestro.
In Red Lanterns #14, Atrocitus and Rankorr have figured out a way to kill the beings known as the Third Army. To find out who these “beings” are, they take a body of one of the fallen to Ysmault to throw in the Blood Ocean to figure out its origin. Atrocitus realizes it’s the Guardians that are behind this army that attacked them.
In Green Lantern Corps #15, we find Guy getting bored with life without the ring so he decides to become a vigilante without it. As he is “cleaning up” his town, we find that Lantern Salaak has discovered the truth behind the Third Army. Only thing is, the Guardians caught him in the act and dealt with him before he could tell anyone. Back on Earth, Guy bit a little more than he can chew and was arrested for interfering in a federal sting.
Well, that is the story so far. The Third Army story line has not let me down so far. I give each of these issues a rating of a strong 9 out of 10. I cannot wait to see what happens next.
Green Lantern: New Guardians #14: Writer: Tony Bedard
Red Lanterns #14: Writer: Peter Milligan
Green Lantern Corps #15: Writer:Peter J. Tomasi