Today we are going to be talking about a new game scheduled to release on 12-12-12 called Hawken. Hawken is a MechWarrior based FPS that takes place obviously in the future. A couple of us here at SomeWhatNerdy participated in the BETA that took place at the end of last month. In the video below I am going to show you the opening menu and the garage. I tried to record some game play but Hawken wasn’t responding very well to Fraps so this is the only video I was able to get as of now.
Ok first of all I understand that this is the BETA and that the purpose of it is to find and work out bugs. So this is my review of the BETA of Hawken.
The first big hurdle I had to get over was the fact that it took me for ever to get into a game, now this could be contributed to the fact that there were so few servers and so many people playing. Then to me the game play was a bit choppy and nothing I did to the settings would fix it. I’m running a completely beefed up Alienware M17x so I’m sure it wasn’t my system not keeping up. As with all the shooters out there the controls took some getting use to and the play style took a lot of getting use to. The mechs have a burst slide ability so it is really hard to get pinpoint shots from a distance unless its the first shot and they didn’t see it coming, so the victor was usually the one who sprayed and prayed first. Granted after some practice I’m sure it would feel just as fluid as all the other big name shooters. I really liked the garage and tricking out the mechs. Ive always been a huge fan of anything involving Mechs. I will be buying this one when it releases and hopefully they will have all the bugs fixed or at least the major ones. As far as recommending this game like I said on the 13th of December I plan on jumping in my mech and turning my foes into scrap iron.
Here is the official Hawken (work in progress) trailer.