Straight from the pages of the DC Comics hit mini-series that bared the same title comes an ongoing series that follows Prince Adam and his Masters and their battle against evil. And I can say after reading issue #1, we will be in for a great adventure!
As we left of in issue #6 of the mini-series, the Sorceress is dead and it appears that Skeletor has perished as well. In the beginning of issue #1, we start our adventure at the funeral for the Sorceress. As Adam and the others mourn their loss, trouble brews in the surrounding lands.
I bet your asking yourself,” What trouble could be worse than Skeletor and his legion of goons?” Well, the answer is simple, Hordak and his horde. The horde is making their attack and leading the charge is Hordak’s daughter. And trust me; she is one that you do not want to mess with, as the Masters will soon find out.
I could go on about the great battle sequence that goes on in this issue but I feel that is something that should be read and not said. I mean, in the midst of the battle we find out just who Hordak’s daughter really is.
I give this issue a perfect rating of 10 out if 10 and I cannot wait until issue #2.
Until next time, keep reading and always remember to get your NERD on.
Writer: Keith Giffen
Art: Pop Mhan
Publisher: DC Comics