Just exactly who is this mysterious woman named Adora and why is she following Hordak? Is she Hordak’s daughter? Why does Teela seem to know her when everyone else does not? These are just some of the questions that we hope will be answered in issue #2 of He-man and the Masters of the Universe.
We find out that Adora was Teela’s imaginary friend; well that is her story to He-Man and the others. They are in the middle of a great battle but the day will not shine brightly for the Masters. They are forced to retreat and regroup, but Battle Cat gives Adora a parting gift to remember him by. Nothing like a slash to the face to say I don’t like you.
Anyway, as the Masters regroup and talk strategy, King Randor let’s everyone know that they are facing Hordak. The Masters don’t believe that it’s possible, Hordak is just a myth or so they thought. King Randor assures them he is real for he was once attacked by this monster only to be saved by Keldor before he became Skeletor. As the King tells his story Adora shows up demanding surrender.
He-Man doesn’t take kindly to demands but her hear out the evil witch. He-Man and the other Masters basically tell her to bring the worst because they will not surrender. As she makes her exit, the King recognizes Adora but that is not the whispers. Who is Marlena? I guess we will have to wait for issue #3 to see.
The writing and artwork continues to amaze me. I love Pop Mhan’s take on the Evil Horde as well as his kick-ass Battle Cat. I give this issue a perfect rating of 10 out of 10. I cannot wait to see what is next!