In the opening of issue #4, we discover that Teela and Adam have survived being shipwrecked by Mer-Man. While they are trying to gather food, Teela and Adam are discussing the clues Mer-Man gave while in battle with them. When they get back on the island, they are ambushed by some of Evil-lyn’s henchman.
You think the ambush is interesting? That’s not the interesting part, leading the henchmen is none other than Man-at-Arms. When Adam and Teela ae being brought to Evil-lyn, he thinks he recognizes Teela. When one of his men makes a lewd comment, he punches him square in the jaw. Is it possible, he knows he is her father?
Later in the story, we find Skeletor telling Evil-lyn to kill He-man aka Adam now and to not toy around with the captives. She assures Skeletor that He-man will die, but her way. What is that way you ask? Teela and Adam have to fight each other to the death. Just who will win? Read issue #5 to find out. But while you are waiting, be sure to pick up this issue to know the whole story.
I love the artist’s illustration of Evil-lyn. The art is amazing throughout the book and the writing captures the reader. I give this issue of He-man a strong rating of 9 out of 10. I cannot wait to see what happens next.
Writer: Keith Giffen
Pencils: Phillip Tan & Pop Mhan
Publisher: DC Comics