In issue #4, we left off with Teela and Adam fighting to the death for the amusement of Evil-Lyn. Did Adam fall to his death? Well, the answer is simply no. But Adam’s fall helped him realize a way out and away from the evil army of Evil-Lyn.
Evil-Lyn has Adam pulled from the pit to start the fight over. This time while fighting, Adam tells Teela his plan and puts it into action before she can say no. Below the pit is a trail and the two brave warriors follow the path to see if it leads out.
Meanwhile, Evil-Lyn reports the bad news to Skeletor. While Skeletor is arguing he realizes the two warriors had to have help. He went to the dungeon and confronted the Sorceress who finally broke her silence to let him know he cannot win. Well, what happens next is a clue to how evil Skeletor really is. I am not going to fill you in on the details because I want you to read it for yourself.
As this is happening, Adam and Teela come to a door and we they get it open they see a sword lodged in a stone. As Adam tries to claim the sword, they are attacked by a green tiger with yellow stripes. Sound familiar? The tiger isn’t the only problem, Man-at-Arms and his men have come to capture the escaped prisoners. They manage to catch Teela but leave Adam to die at the hands of the tiger. Tired of this chess match, Adam goes for the sword. As he goes for the sword, the tiger goes for his lethal strike. Does Adam make it to the sword? If he does will he know what to do with it? Will he ever remember his past? Well, you will just have to get this issue to see the answer to these questions.
I give this issue a perfect rating of 10 out of 10. No one can touch the masterful writing of Keith Giffen. He has done wonderfully in bringing the Masters of the Universe to life. I cannot wait until the next issue to see what happens next!
Writer: Keith Giffen
Pencils: Phillip Tan & Pop Mhan
Publisher: DC Comics