Honey We blew up Yoda!
The most lovable character from the star wars universe get the jumbo treatment to come as the next release from the skilled team at Gentle Giant. Coming in two versions the Orange snake version on the ESB card back limited to 1524 and then the brown snake version exclusive to PGM members, with an edition size of 492. No detail has been over looked from the color of the eyes on both versions, even to the way they are painted. The color of the canes and yoda himself isn’t overlooked. Having both versions side by side will show you the difference, Orange snake yoda with the light skin and the lighter colored cane and the brown snake version with the darker skin and the darker cane.
The Empire strikes Back Card back for the orange snake has been done in the true fashion of the period. Soon as you look at it you are taken back to the 31A card back.. but this is a giant size 33 back, showcasing the 22 jumbo action figures already released and a look to the 10 new figures coming from the ESB toy line. You also have a look 3 other collectibles the Dewback, biker scout and highly another anticipated piece .. Darth Maul on Mecha Spider.
The Exclusive Brown snake version available for the PG members is great. The figure itself is a perfect rendition of the vintage brown snake version. And the card back done in the form of the ROTJ line.. I look at the numbers on the back and seeing 40 figures planned so far makes me think only one thing.. I NEED MORE ROOM!
Both versions coming in a clamshell allows you to open and display this piece and other jumbo retro action figures with out having to every worry about damaging the packages. I wish I had the room to display these on the wall so I can see each and every one in full glory.
The Orange snake version pre orders sold out fast, but keep an eye out on Gentlegiantltd.com they may pop up, and theres always the second hand market such as online auction sites. But expect prices to inflate soon.. so get yours now! .
So at a glance
Oragen snake version
-wide release
-ESB backer card
-lighter green skin
-lighter cane
-orange snake
-orange eyes
-fabric cloak
Yoda Brown snake version
PG Exclusive
ROTJ backer card
olive head
brown eyes
darker cane
bright green hands and feet
fabric cloak
This item is nothing but SOMEWHATNERDY!