Tomorrow is August 1st, a day I have been waiting for since I first heard the release date of the Guardians of the Galaxy. I am very glad this day has come. I will be in the theater tomorrow and I hope to have a short review by day’s end. In celebration of the Guardians film, I have had a Guardians related post everyday this week. Today is no different. Today, I have prepared a short review for the Galaxy’s Most Wanted one-shot from Marvel.
As you may already know, Guardians of the Galaxy: Galaxy’s Most Wanted centers its story around that lovable fur-ball, Rocket and his wooden sidekick, Groot. The story takes place after Groot and Rocket catch a bounty and turn him in for the reward. While Rocket is talking price , Groot notices there is a Bounty on Rocket’s head. Groot tries to warn Rocket, but as usual he is more focused on trying to get more money. They end up in a bar to freshen up, when the bounty on Rocket’s head attracts a lot of attention. Well, of course all hell breaks loose and Rocket and Groot are in the fight for their lives.
When some of the goons are disposed of and they corner the leader of the mob, Rocket finds out that the Bounty Hunter had the bounty placed on Rocket’s head because he got tired of the competition. Well, with a little convincing from Groot, the leader cancels the bounty and all is good, at least for Rocket and Groot.
I give this issue a solid 8 out of 10 rating. The story was good, but I wish there was more. I do like the bonus story at the end of the book starring Drax’s early encounter with Thor, but I wanted to see more with Rocket and Groot. Until next time, get your READ on!
FYI, if you ever meet Rocket Raccoon, don’t ask him why they call him Rocket. You do not want to give him a reason to show you.