Today’s In Case You Missed It revolves around the latest Punisher mini-series simply known as the Punisher War Zone. In this series, Frank takes on the Avengers to rescue his friend and fellow vigilante Sergeant Alves. As you Punisher fans already know, Rachel Alves helped Frank take down some very bad people and she got arrested for it. Well, Frank knew he had to get her out of prison because he felt she was there because of him and he wanted to help, or so it would seem that way.
In issues #1-3, Frank had his moments against Spider-man, Logan, Thor, and the Black Widow, but what I loved is what took place in issues #4-5. You see, Frank knows how to be a shadow, especially when he is in a mission frame of mind. Cap and the other Avengers were looking for Frank and Tony was doing some research. Let’s just say Tony never stood a chance. The next thing we see, is Spidey going to Alves to let her know Frank has been spotted when Iron Man shows up and blasts Spider-Man. Why would shell head do that? Well, its simple, Frank was in the suit and not Tony. When I read this issue I laughed out loud, I couldn’t help it.
Then in issue #5, Iron Man and the others are tracking the transmitter Spidey placed on Alves as well as Tony’s stolen suit. Tony finds the abandoned suit only to be surprised by a classic trap courtesy of one Frank Castle aka the Punisher. Captain America tried to warn Tony but he underestimated the brilliant strategic mind of Castle. Cap knew about it, but Tony just had to find out for himself.
The entire Punisher War Zone series was very entertaining, in fact I give each issue a perfect rating of 10 out of 10. It is a shame it was only a five issue run, I was enjoying watching Frank outsmart the Avengers. Of course, when you read this for yourself, you will realize he had a little help as well. But that is for me to know and you to find out when you read it if you haven’t already.
Until next time, Unleash your inner NERD.