Greetings True Believers,
How the hell are ya? Did you catch last night’s episode of the Flash? If you didn’t, you missed a lot of Easter Eggs as well as spoilers for whats to come. Now, I am not here today to spoil anything from last night or to tell you what is going to happen when the Flash returns in March. No, I am here today to talk about my favorite hero in the DC Universe, Firestorm.
When I first heard that Firestorm would make an appearance on the Flash, I was torn…torn between excitement and fear. I was excited because Firestorm was getting his shot, finally after all these years. On the other hand, I was afraid that the writers would not do Ronnie justice. Well, when I looked into it and saw that his name would be Ronnie Raymond I was thrilled. They were sticking with the original. When I saw the first episode of the Flash, I realized that the writings were great and did their research so Firestorm may actually appear to be cool. Well, I was right. Although the origin of Firestorm was changed for the show, it still made perfect sense. The fan boy in me was happy but wanted more at the same time. I mean, what about Martin Stein?
Episodes went by and we watched the evolution of the Flash and his powers as well as being introduced to key villains in the DC Universe. Don’t get me wrong, I love the show but I wanted more Firestorm. Well, lo and behold Firestorm comes back when Caitlin Snow needed him most. So, we know there is more left to be told. Especially when we see Cisco and Caitlin digging for more information including talking to a student of Steins named Jason Rusch. Even though we were getting more Intel, I still wanted more.
Well, the last few episodes were nothing but Firestorm goodness. We were introduced to Dr. Martin Stein and how he ended up merged with Ronnie to become the great Firestorm. Which, in my opinion was well written and made perfect sense. So, I am pleased and I am sure other Firestorm fans are as well. The actors they got to play Ronnie and Martin were well picked. I mean, Robbie Amell is a brilliant actor that may be “new” to the biz but he is very talented. The veteran actor, Victor Garber is just the what the Flash needed to make Dr. Stein’s character rise from the ashes. (See what I did there, lol)
I couldn’t imagine other actors playing Firestorm. The team of Amell and Garber are the right one’s for the job. So my hat goes off to the casting department of the Flash because they hit it right on the nose.
Now, I know I said I wasn’t going to spoil anything about last night’s episode but there is something I really need to say. I love the look of Firestorm, when Stein and Raymond work together as a team. The first glimpse of those white eyes made the Firestorm fan in me scream like a little girl. So, the Flash is not only a great show for Flash Fanatics, but it turns out to be a great home for Firestorm fans as well.
Oh, another small spoiler from last night was towards the end of the episode when Ronnie and Martin leave for Pittsburgh. For those die hard Firestorm fans, you know that Pittsburgh is the city in which Ronnie went to college and Stein was a professor.
Now, for my ratings. I give the Flash series a strong rating of 11 out of 10 and I give the Firestorm character a rating of 212 out of 10. (Another heat joke) I wonder however, will we ever see a Killer Frost cameo and if we do, will it be the New 52 version which is none other than Caitlin Snow. Also, there is another meta human that could appear known as Vibe who happens to go by the name Cisco Ramon. Hmm, one does wonder.
Until next time, Unleash your inner NERD!