Welcome to a new post from yours truly called In My Opinion. This will be a place where I will rant about things in the spotlight and give you my two cents, You may agree with me or you may find my points invalid and that is fine, I welcome a discussion about such things. Today I will focus on the “controversy” of Thor now being a woman. I personally do not see why people are making such a big deal about Thor being made into a woman. The power of the hammer belongs to those who are worthy and as we found out in Original Sin, Thor was no longer worthy to carry Mjölnir, such is life. Thor is still a bad ass warrior, I mean he didn’t revert to Donald Blake.
I personally welcome the change in comics from time to time and comic wise, Thor is one of the easiest characters to change. It all relies on the power of Mjölnir and who is worthy to hold it. So what if it is a woman? It is the 21st century after all. Besides look at it this way, we now have two bad ass warriors from Asgard to help protect Midgard. Another reason traditional fans shouldn’t panic is that the wheel will be reinvented again and again. For example, if you read Thor: god of thunder #25, you would realize that the traditional Thor eventually becomes King and does okay without his mighty hammer. Sure, this part of his history upsets him, but life goes on.
I think people should focus on who is the new Thor. I mean, there is one obvious guess if you read Thor #1 (released Oct. 1), but when is anything in the comics really obvious? I mean, that is what makes reading them so much fun right? Those of you who don’t like change should face the facts, not all heroes can make it to 75 and still be in there 20’s, LoL. Well, that is my opinion on the new Thor. I read it and I can honestly say that I dig it. I give it a strong rating of 10 out of 10. I hope you enjoyed my new post and look for more in the near future. Until next time, get your READ on!