Fellow Nerds, I promised a bonus post and at SomeWhatNerdy we deliver on our promises. For today’s bonus post I have an interview with a lovely and talented cosplayer known as Ani-Mia. You have probably seen her work on tumblr, cosplay sites, and FB and didn’t even realize it. So without further hesitation, I present to you my interview with Mia aka Ani-Mia.
1. Who are you and where are you from?
My name is Mia but I usually go by Ani-Mia. I’ve lived all over the US and even Germany but I currently call upstate New York my home.
2. How did you discover cosplay?
I started going to conventions in 2006 and was amazed by all the amazing cosplays that I saw. After talking to a few of the cosplayers there, I realized how much fun and creative cosplaying was. Finally, in 2008, I first attempted cosplaying. I bought a costume online and while I had a blast wearing it to a convention, I realized that I wanted to start making my own cosplay that fit me properly. And since then, I haven’t stopped.
3. You have so many great cosplays, but I really love your take on Supergirl. How did that idea come to you?
Superman has always been my favorite DC character since I was a little girl watching the Superman movies with my dad. What better way to cosplay as Superman but by being his equally as amazing cousin!
4. Who is your favorite comic character to cosplay?
I’d have to say that it’s a tie between Supergirl and Rogue mainly because they are my favorite DC and Marvel characters. Though Supergirl does have a little advantage mainly because I get to wear an awesome cape.
5. What other genres do you cosplay?
I’ve cosplayed as characters from comics, movies, animes and am even working on one or two cosplays based on artwork from my favorite artist, Camilla d’Errico.
6. Where do you like to show off your new cosplays first?
I’m a big fan of posting to my Facebook fan page because I feel it is the best way for me to actually communicate with the people who follow my cosplaying adventure. I am on there constantly and try to set myself apart from other cosplayers by actively interacting with people on my page. I also find that I get the most feedback, whether good or advice on changes, from my fans on Facebook. They are like my cosplay testers.
7. Do you do other modeling besides cosplay?
I’ve actually been modeling since 2001 for small local companies, International marketing campaigns and other creative ideas that photographers might have. I’ve also walked numerous runways for designers including punk and gothic lolita fashion labels.
8. What are your plans for the future?
I plan to continue working on my cosplays and trying to get my name out there. My biggest plan for the next year is to increase the number of cons I’m attending to at least 5-6. I would eventually love to take up cosplaying as a full-time job but until then I split my time between my 9 to 5 desk job as a corporate recruiter and working on my cosplays.
9. Where can my readers see more examples of your work?
The majority of my work is on my Facebook at www.facebook.com/Ani.Mia.Cosplay but then can also find my work on Twitter (@AniMiaOfficial), cosplay.com (www.cosplay.com/member/263293/),or DeviantArt (ani-mia.deviantart.com/) though I haven’t updated the last two in a while.
10. If you had to pick one cosplay, which one is your favorite?
It’s hard to say because I love all the characters I cosplay as simply because that’s the whole reason why I’m cosplaying as them. But each costume makes me feel a different way. I felt the most elegant as Luka, the most badass as Supergirl and the sexiest as Rogue.