It’s Monday so you know it’s time for another pulse pounding interview with a talented cosplayer. Today our feature is on the always talented and beautiful Anna. She is a great cosplayer from across the pond in London, England. So Ladies and Gents, here is my interview with Anna.
1. Who are you and where are you from?
My name is Anna and I am from London, England
2. How did you discover cosplay?
I discovered cosplay when my friend called me up the night before a con and told me to come along with her and her other friends. I came along and saw everyone in costumes which I thought was pretty cool, so I went to a few more cons doing odd bits but never really got into it. One day I was reading Marvel’s Civil War when I first came across Ms Marvel and my confidence and self esteem shatters (she still has that weird effect on me to this day) and my friend told me to get over it I should cosplay her and that started my spiral into cosplay, particularly super hero cosplay.
3. I really love your Psylocke cosplay. What made you choose her?
I’ve always been a fan of Psylocke since she first appeared in the Xmen in the 80s as the purple haired ‘English Rose’. I love her because she is a badass without being a bitch and she has this really flirty side to her that I just love. I have always put her off before because everyone said I should cosplay her because I was asian and I didn’t like how she got ‘slutified’ a lot by cosplayers but when I was revamping Ms Marvel I had a spare black leotard and when looking for ideas my friend suggested I do X-force Psylocke, which I agreed to because no one had done that version of her yet, and ever since then I’ve just loved cosplaying her.
4. I know you have cosplayed other comic characters, which one was your favorite?
That’s a toss up between Psylocke, Black Canary or Zatanna but for different reasons. Psylocke I wear when I’m in a bad mood and it makes me happy for weeks afterwards, Black Canary fills me with confidence and makes me feel like I can take on anything but Zatanna just feels right for me, she’s happy and full of love and I just feel so comfortable being her, despite the corset.
5. What other genres do you cosplay?
I’ve only been cosplaying for about 1 1/2 years and I’ve stuck mostly to Superhero cosplay but one of my favourites is Velma from Scooby Doo. I’ve also got a half completed Kasumi Goto costume from Mass Effect and a half completed Boomer/Athena duty blues (from Battlestar Galactica), both of which I should really finish one day.
6. What other hobbies do you have besides cosplaying?
Besides cosplaying I do a lot of reading and writing. I will read anything that is put in front of me any time any place. I also do a lot of walking, cycling, Tae Kwon Do and Running. I also do some photography on occasion but that’s only really when I go travelling.
7. What is your favorite way to show off a new costume?
To be honest, I don’t really like showing off my costumes in the usual way because I dont actually like getting that much attention, I like showing off that I make them, wearing them and getting attention for them is a bonus but I think my favourite way is to be in cosplay videos made by my good friends Sneaky Zebra who normally make geek shorts but they have made some great cosplay videos recently,
I also love showing them off with photoshoots, as I said I’m still relatively new to cosplay but my brother is a fashion photographer and I’ve gotten in with some good photographers and I love doing photoshoots where it’s just them, me and the costume.
8. What are your plans for the future?
I have a lot of stuff i’m looking forward to, I’m heading to Dragon Con this year with a load of other British cosplayers and because of that I’ve decided to up my costume quality, which means I’ve challenged myself with Cassie Cain Batgirl and Huntress (both without using spandex), Princess Azula (Avatar: The Last Airbender), and I’m also branching into Steampunk and Disney just to see if I can pull them off. I’m also planning to take up a few more martial arts so I try and look the part for certain characters instead of just faking it.
9. Where can my readers see more examples of your work?
I have a facebook page for my costumes and writing (www.facebook.com/AnnaKS100) and I post a lot of my photography and some of my costumes on my Deviantart page (aks100.deviantart.com/)
I also have photos at Sexy Cosplay Girls (www.sexycosplaygirls.com/ps/45001-Zatanna) and with my photographer friend Stealthbuda (www.facebook.com/MovementsofaShadow) who is just trying to break into cosplay photography and does a lot of photography for me.
10.Out of all your cosplays, which one is your favorite?
It would have to be one of my three comic book costumes but I think ultimately it’s Velma because one of my best friends cosplays Daphne in our Scooby Gang, as well as spending time with some of the guys I consider my cosplay family, and it means we get to spend the entire con together, which we rarely get to do at conventions.