Greetings fellow Nerds, my cosplay interviews have returned after a two week hiatus and I have a gem for you. This cosplay interview comes all the way from Italy. The subject of today’s interview is the lovely and talented Giada. Enjoy!
1. Who are you and where are you from?
My real name is Giada Pancaccini, I’m an alternative model and cosplay performer and I’m from Livorno (Italy).
2. How did you discover cosplay?
I ever had a great passion for anime/manga and videogames, but I start cosplaying in 2008 thank to a group of friends, which already knew cosplay. So, they introduced me to the magic world of cosplay.
3. I really love your Lust cosplay. What made you choose her?
She is a charming “femme fatal”. I like her frankness and veiled irony. I think the way she approaches with enemies, embodies perfectly what she represents: luxury, cruelty and cynicism. She is one of my favorite evil character ever!
4. What is your favorite genre to cosplay?
I cosplayed as a lot of characters (not only females), especially from anime & manga. My favorite kind of characters are badass women, sexy dark-vampire ladies and romantic/ambiguous boys.
5. What other genres do you cosplay?
Another role I love cosplaying is the one of the videogame-movie heroine, like for example Ada Wong from Resident Evil or Selene from Underworld.
6. Do you go to conventions to show off your cosplay or do you do photo shoots only?
I do photo shoots, but I go to conventions too. Sometimes I’m there only for visiting, but I often participate as special guest, judge or conducer of the cosplay contest.
7. Do you do other modeling besides cosplay?
Yes, sometimes I work as alternative model too.
8. What are your plans for the future?
I’m working on some new cosplay characters, two of them and probably the next, are Stoking (Angel version) from Panty & Stocking with Garter belt and Miss Fortune from League of Legends.
I’m also preparing my trip for “Cosplay World Master 2013”- European Match, which will be on 13-14 April at “Iberanime” in Lisbon (Portugal), where I will take part in the competition as the Italian representative.
Other surprises are coming up soon!
9. Where can my readers see more examples of your work?
Actually, my personal web site is on maintenance mode for a graphic restyling, so they can follow me and my cosplay works on my official Facebook page: www.facebook.com/GiadaRobin
10. If you had to pick one cosplay, which one is your favorite?
I’m very attached to Nico Robin from One Piece. She’s my first cosplay and my favorite character ever! I think we have so many things in common and I recognize my-self in her. That’s why, I made different costumes of her and I decided to use “Giada Robin” as name of art.
I love all the characters I perform, but obviously there are characters I like more than others.
Nico Robin from One Piece, Emma from Le Chevalier D’Eon, Ada Wong from Resident Evil 4 and Selene from Underworld, gave me a lot of satisfactions (important awards, appearances on magazines, special shooting requests). Actually, I think they are the most appreciated cosplays by me and the public.
Other successful cosplay characters I’ve done are Lust from FullMetal Alchemist, Orochimaru from Naruto, Mirajane (Satan Soul version) from Fairy Tail and Griffith from Berserk.
Speaking about the complexity in the realization of costumes and accessories, I prefer Lilith from Trinity Blood and Zhen Ji from Dynasty Warriors 6.
Anyway, Nico Robin rules!
I’m also preparing my trip for “Cosplay World Master 2013”- European Match, which will be on 13-14 April at “Iberanime” in Lisbon (Portugal)…oh yea but i lost the plane XD
Cosplayer and alternative model. Omg pliz.