Today is Monday, which as you followers of SWN know is Cosplay interview day. Today you guys and gals are in for a real treat. Today my interview is with the very talented and beautiful cosplayer known as Heather1337. You may not realize it, but if you are in the world of anything Nerdy, you have seen or heard about one of her cosplays or even one of her video game reviews. so enough of my babbling, let’s get this interview started shall we?
1. Who are you and where are you from?
Heather 1337, Florida
2. How did you discover cosplay?
When I attended Star Wars Celebration 5 I had ordered a Amidala costume from Amazon. That was the first time I learned what ‘cosplay’ was. I saw all of these fans around me dressed in these incredible hand made costumes. I was immediately inspired to to start working on one of my own.
3. I really love your Ms. Marvel cosplay. What made you choose her?
The reason I chose Ms. Marvel as my first cosplay is because she has always been one of my favorite comic book characters. She is a strong and powerful woman who any female would be able to look up to. I also LOVE her costumes! I would like to make her original costume some time in the future as well. I don’t see as many people cosplaying with that version. Another version I have wanted to work on is Mystique turning into Ms. Marvel! I think that would make for an incredible costume.
4. Have you cosplayed other comic characters?
I have not cosplayed any other comic characters YET! I do have some planned for the future. I would love to make a couple gender bended versions as well.
5. I also know that you write video game reviews. What is your pick for best game of the year?
OHHH boy! Game of the Year is a hard question to ask…..:} Hm. I’d have to say my favorite game to have come out so far in 2013 would be Bioshock:Infinite. I really enjoyed the scenery, story line, and game play. I haven’t had the chance to play many others so far this year because I am still addicted to my LoL, WoW, and TL PC games.
6. You are a big Star Wars fan, which film is your favorite?
Episode 5 is my all time favorite Star Wars movie! Episode 4 and 6 are very close though because they are all fantastic.
7. What comic(s) do you find yourself reading the most?
I have a lot of comics that I read and follow. I am a big Batman, Star Wars, and Spiderman fan. Recently I have been collecting a lot of the Batman comics. Anything with Frank Miller on the cover up I have to buy because he is just unbelievably talented. It doesn’t help that my local comic store Past Present Future Comics fuels my addiction!!
8. What are your plans for the future?
My plans for the future include lots of traveling and painting. I have a website www.heather1337.storenvy.com that I have my paintings in that I sell and it has really taken off. I’d love to travel to all the cons and have a booth with them where I could also dress up! It’s hard sometimes because I feel like time only allows me to choose one or the other….and if it ever came down to it, I would pick painting.
9. Where can my readers see more examples of your work?
I have my work on my Instagram Heather1337, www.facebook.com/heather1337, and soon to be website.
10. If you had to pick one super hero, which one is your favorite?
My favorite super hero is definitely Batman. He’s the most badass character out there!