Nerds and Nerdettes, we are just 1 cosplay interview away from my 100th interview. I cannot believe that I have interviewed so many talented people. As you already know, today is interview #99 and it is with a very talented cosplayer. If you are a fan of cosplay, you have seen her work before. Her name is Jenifer Ann and she is as talented as she is beautiful, but enough from me, let’s get her thoughts shall we?
1. Who are you and where are you from?
My name is Jenifer Ann and I am from Jacksonville, FL.
2. How did you discover cosplay?
I got into Cosplay back in 2008 through my friend Candy Keene who owns Three Muses Clothing.
3. I really love your Psylocke cosplay. Why did you choose that character?
That character was actually chosen by my fans on FB & Twitter. I held a contest asking who would they like to see me cosplay next and Psylocke was suggested more than any other character.
4. What other hobbies do you have besides cosplay?
Cosplay is my main hobby. Life is pretty busy so that hobby takes up all my free time!
5. What is your favorite genre to cosplay?
I am open to all genres, I just try to cosplay characters that I resemble or feel I would be a good fit for.
6. Do you go to conventions to show off your cosplay or do you do photo shoots only?
I do both conventions and photo-shoots. Next convention I will be at is SuperCon in Miami.
7. Do you do other modeling besides cosplay?
I have been in the modeling industry for over a decade, but I have phased out fashion modeling for the most part. Other than that, I am in the Real Estate industry.
8. What are your plans for the future?
I hope to be able to attend more conventions in the next year.
9. Where can my readers see more examples of your work?
www.facebook.com/officialjeniferann or follow me on Twitter: OJeniferAnn
10. If you had to pick one cosplay, which one is your favorite?
I don’t have a favorite at this time.
Make sure to go to her FB page to see her many talented cosplays. As always, you can also go to my Derf’s Domain FB page as well to see a few more photos that were not used in this interview.