It’s Monday so you know what that means. It’s time for another interview with a talented cosplayer. Today, our subject is the lovely Katia.
1. Who are you and where are you from?
Katia from NY
2. How did you discover cosplay?
I guess I just kind of fell into it, I always loved costumes, wearing and designing.
3. I really love your Alice cosplay. What made you choose that her?
I played the game when it first came out when I was in high school (the first game) and in the ten years it took the 2nd to come out I never forgot it or let it go. I love all things wonderland but this one is particularly close to my heart. Plus I look like her.
4. Have you cosplayed any comic characters?
Yes. Many. Most recently Domino, next week Catwoman and a redo of Black Cat. If you have seen my website, you wil see there are albums for Domino, Black Widow, Baroness, Black Cat, Emma Frost, Black Canary, and Calie. More to be added soon. My company is working with another comic company to get their licensing and make their costumes.
5. What other genres do you cosplay?
Comic, video game, and screen worn costume-mostly legend of the seeker I have a very big collection from the tv show
6. Do you go to conventions to show off your cosplay or do you do photo shoots only?
I prefer photo shoots, but sometimes I wear costumes to conventions, most recently I am only wearing my own companies costumes for conventions because it is the best form of advertising
7. Do you do other modeling besides cosplay?
I used to but it isn’t as much fun anymore, the clothes aren’t as much fun there are only so many times you can stand around in jeans before it gets boring.
8. What are your plans for the future?
I started a costume company at the beginning of this year the goal is design and large distribution…I dont know how much of it I will officially be modeling but any convention I sell at I will be in costume and likely I will have pictures posted for most of my product as well on my Facebook ‘fan page’ in the near future-specifically next month, I will have a store website up and running with my own stuff, which will span a number of genres and continue to grow and expand within those genres and branch out to new ones as well. We are starting with something comic, something goth, and something steampunk… I believe we will likely make the steampunk line the biggest, which does not mean the others will not have just as much work but I believe the steampunk line will have the largest amount of items in it. Pieces of our costumes of all three genres will also be transferable into everyday wear, not all pieces, but some pieces from each line.
9. Where can my readers see more examples of your work?
Facebook is my main website i put a couple pictures from each set on deviant art but the full sets got onto the Facebook page but I am featured on Geek x Girls from time to time as well
10. If you had to pick one cosplay, which one is your favorite?
American McGee’s Alice or Sword of Truth Kahlan. I always loved the character of Alice , I relate with her a lot and wonderland has always been my favorite thing in the world its nice to have a brunette Alice out there who is about as dark and twisted as I am. Sword of Truth Kahlan is worded that way because the character in the book has much more depth than the legend of the seeker tv Kahlan. I have several confessor dresses, one that looks like the dress described in the book and another that is Kahlan’s dress on the show, both of which I love very much. I love gowns, and the concept of the character of Kahlan and her powers as a confessor are to me the most interesting of any fantasy or magical type of being. Again I also fit the part with long dark brown hair. It is nice that my two favorite characters of all time do not require me to be blonde.