Well guys and gals of all ages, it is time to start on my next set of 100 cosplay interviews. I am proud of who I have for interview #101. Her name is Kerraldine and she is a great cosplayer. Trust me, you will love anything she cosplays. So, when you finish reading this interview, please make sure to check out her links and soak in the awesomeness that is her cosplay portfolio. Without further ado, here is my interview with the lovely and talented Kerraldine.
1. Who are you and where are you from?
I’m Kerry Holland, a northern lass who hails from the mighty Leeds in England.
2. How did you discover cosplay?
Via the internet, mostly from tumblr. I think my first real exposure to it was from the most famous Harley cosplayer, Elise Archer, who I adore, she is brilliant. I thought her characterization of Harley was perfect and I followed her online for ages. I then found myself on tumblr where cosplay seemed to be everywhere and I realized I really wanted to have a go, though I didn’t really know how I could. All I had was a rubbish Gotham Sirens shop costume and was stuck in Dundee, Scotland, WHERE NOTHING EVER HAPPENS. In the end I was encouraged to attend the Harleypalooza at MCM in London and I threw caution to the smelly winds, abandoned everything I was doing at college and came down. It really set the ball rolling for something which would become a very important part of my life for the coming 2 years which have now passed.
3. I really love your Harley Quinn cosplay. What made you choose that character?
I simply completely adore her. I have for years, I obsess over her, collect her, laugh with her, she cheers me up and is a total oddball which is what I really love about her. She is so much fun to be, with the animated series version, you don’t need to try and be sexy, flattering, mature, graceful, you put on the suit and cause as much mischief as possible and not have to worry about what you look like, just have fun and be outrageous. I’m always on a high when I’m Harley, she gives me confidence to do things I normally couldn’t do. The challenge when I’m her is to see just how much I can get away with!
4. I also saw your Spider-Girl picture across the World Wide Web, how did you feel when you saw that outfit got so much love?
The reaction to that was crazy, I don’t really understand why it caused such a stir. The positive and silly comments where fun and nice, I had a chuckle with them. There was a lot of negative bullying though and it was overly sexualized, when for me it was a childish moment, that it made me feel really uncomfortable and ashamed. So much so that I am not at the moment willing to do that cosplay again, knowing what people are thinking when I try and have some childish, innocent fun.
5. What other characters/genres have you cosplayed?
I’ve done a few characters now, including Buffy, Cammy from Street Fighter, Rose Tyler from Doctor Who, Robin to name a few. Got a few others also planned so I can try different types of character. I’m really trying to reach all kinds of sides of my own character to express them individually.
own character to express them individually.
6. Do you go to conventions to show off your cosplay or do you do photo shoots only?
AHAHAHAHAHAHHAA- no. They are my least favorite part. I go mostly to hang out with my friends who I have met through this cosplay adventure of mine and play dress up. The shoots are fun, but I’m not a model or anything and it is completely a geek thing for me, not a place for me to go ‘HEY LOOK AT ME!’, cos that’s not the kind of person I am. I actually didn’t enjoy the Sunday of LFCC as much as I could of cos I spent the whole day in shoots cos I needed to keep my promises with people who I had requested to work with me. That’s not to say I didn’t enjoy the shoots, they were fantastic and I really enjoyed working with the photographers, they were amazing, creative and so talented. It just came to the end of the day, and I realized as everyone was leaving that I hardly saw anyone and it upset me and I felt I missed out on what was really important.
7. Do you do other modeling besides cosplay?
Not properly, I’ve only modeled for a friend who is a professional and requested to use me. I am not a model, it’s not what I do or what I’m good at. I don’t fit into that world/industry.
8. What has been your favorite cosplay so far?
HARLEY. For all the previous reasons, an excuse to act like a complete twat.
9. Where can my readers see more examples of your work?
I usually post my shenanigans on my Facebook portfolio page www.facebook.com/kerraldinehq or my tumblr drquinzel.tumblr.com
10. What other hobbies do you have besides cosplay?
I’m in dance training at the moment so the majority of my spare time is in the studio or gym. I also love yoga, reading books and comics, I’m a bit of a casual retro gamer, you’ve got to love a bit of pixels, other kinds of nerd hobbies such as films, TV shows, raging over how much fuck ups the new 52 has made and overdosing on caffeinated beverages.