Today is Monday, which at Somewhatnerdy means its time for another interview with a very talented cosplayer. Today’s interview comes to us from the land down under and showcases an amazing and beautiful cosplayer. So without further ado, Somewhatnerdy proudly presents an interview with Mad Maven.
1. Who are you and where are you from?
Mad Maven from Sydney Australia.
2. How did you discover cosplay?
In 2012 I attended my first convention after seeing people dress up I wanted to join in!
3. I absolutely love your Deadpool cosplay. What made you come up with that concept?
I won’t take credit for what many cosplayers have done before. I didn’t want to do a “sexy / pretty” Deadpool even though Lady D’s scars are removed in the Deadpool corps comics eventually. I like freaking people out (in a good way) so gritty characters that I’m already a fan of are fun to cosplay. I didn’t wear the blonde hair wig because I just wanted to be me and be comfortable because it’s a lot of gear to carry around all day.
4. What other genres have you cosplayed?
Movies, TV, Animated TV, Video games.
5. Do you have a favorite comic character?
Batman. Hands Down.
6. What is your favorite way to show off a new look?
Wear it to a con because I love interacting with other people.
7. What convention is your must go to?
Sydney Supanova because I’m a local.
8. What are your plans for the future?
Everything! Ha-ha actually I want to do some more armored cosplays next year.
9. Where can my readers see more examples of your work?
My page has links to my twitter (, deviantart( and Instagram (
I update Instagram the most after Facebook.
10. If you had to pick one cosplay, out of all your cosplays, which one is your favorite?
Lady Venom, because it’s just so damn fun to wear.