Greetings Boys and Girls,
Tis the Season for giving, so I figured I would post a new Cosplay Interview everyday until Christmas. Today’s feature is on a very talented and beautiful cosplayer known as Mad Mel Madigan. Her cosplays are always awesome so I know you will want to visit her FB page to see her work. Enough of the rambling of a mad man, I now present to you my intereview with Mad Mel Madigan.
1. Who are you and where are you from?
My name is Mel, or Mad Mel Madigan in the cosplay world and I am originally from Lehigh Acres, FL but currently am in Miami
2. How did you discover cosplay?
I’ve been completely in love with costumes for forever but the cosplaying starting when Miami Wizard World came around 2 years ago. It was my very first con and I wore my first version of Ivy and my first version of Psylocke. I instantly fell in love with it and haven’t been able to stop!
3. I must admit, I am in love with your Typhoid Mary cosplay. What made you choose her?
I love Typhoid Mary and how in one panel she will be super sweet and totally loving to Daredevil and in the next she’ll set him on fire. She’s completely crazy and, if you hadn’t been able to tell by the “mad” in my name, I’m pretty crazy myself. Though I promise I won’t set anyone on fire…Also I LOVE her style. Most of my cosplays have a punk/rock and roll feel to them and she fits into that perfectly. I have a not so secret obsession with all things dealing with leather and fishnets
4. What other comic characters have you cosplayed?
I’ve done a few different versions of Psylocke, a few different versions of Black Cat, a few different versions of Mary Jane Watson-Parker, Gwen Stacy, Poison Ivy, Barbra Gordon Batgirl, and a bunch of other non-comic book cosplays
5. What is your favorite genre to cosplay?
I’m definitely more of a comic girl. I grew up on them so they hold a special place in my heart. But video games is a close second
6. What is your favorite way to show off your new costumes?
I usually show them off at a convention first and then do a kickass photoshoot but sometimes I get really impatient and just go straight to the kickass photoshoot
7. Do you do other modeling besides cosplay?
Yes I do. But cosplay is always more enjoyable.
8. What are your plans for the future?
Lots and lots more cosplays planned! Also, I have this off the wall dream of becoming an actor. ;) hopefully that will be happening sometime in the future. Come onnnn psylocke movie!
9. Where can my readers see more examples of your work?
You can go to my face book page at:
Also I do a segment on a show called Reality Check Radio on Tuesday and Thursday nights. Its called Bizarre Facts. It starts around 9:15 and I basically tell you about weird facts that I’ve found out. Maybe you’ll throw up. You never know.
And you can check that out at:
10. If you had to pick one cosplay, which one is your favorite?
Ugh, I always hate this question. I have soooo many favorites. If I had to choose I would have to say it’s a tie between Black Cat and Psylocke with Typhoid Mary as a close second
Photo Credits:
Black Cat: Max Cookies Power
Typhoid Mary: Amberlin Bogue
Psylocke: Max Cookies Power