Gobble, Gobble everyone! Happy Thanksgiving! Today is day 4 of our “Something to be thankful for” week of cosplay interviews. Today’s post is an interview with one fo my favorite cosplayers. Her costumes are always amazing! Today I present to you, my interview with Marie Grey.
1..Who are you and where are you from?
My name is Marie Grey and I live in New York City.
2. How did you discover cosplay?
A friend of mine pressured me into attending New York Comic Con 2009 with her. I had no idea what was in store for me, and frankly, I was absolutely horrified, uncomfortable, and out of my element. But I met a really great group of people through her and they convinced me to attend other conventions. I’ve been to seventeen others since then and I don’t plan on stopping anytime soon.
3. I really love your version of Gambit. What made you choose that character?
I grew up with the 1990s X-Men cartoon. I remember coming home after school every day to watch Power Rangers and X-Men before even thinking about doing homework. I always liked Gambit because he had this relaxed attitude about everything and he did whatever he wanted. My cosplay design was loosely based off of a female Gambit redesign concept by Ivanna Matilla on deviantArt (ivannamatilla.deviantart.com/gallery/?offset=48#/d3ebye6). I just loved how it had a completely different look while still having that Gambit feel.
4. Out of all your comic book cosplays, which one is your favorite?
It’s hard to choose. Black Canary is my favorite comic book character, Gambit was my favorite to put together, Zatanna was my favorite to walk around in, and Poison Ivy was the most difficult to complete. I love them all for their own reasons, so I’m not sure I could just pick one. I’m always working on new cosplays, but these four are the ones I like wearing over and over again.
5. What other genres do you cosplay?
I love video games. While this year was filled predominantly with comic book cosplays, my plans for next year are almost all characters from video games that just tugged at my heart strings while growing up.
6. What genre is your favorite to cosplay?
My interest in anime has been wavering for the past few years, but my love for comics and video games has always been constant. I love cosplaying characters that I either relate to or have just fallen in love with while reading or playing through their stories. I’m not sure if I can pick one genre over the other, but video games and comics have always piqued my interest.
7. Do you do other modeling besides cosplay?
Not yet! I’m planning a few things for the future, but I’m not sure how that will play out with such a busy convention schedule for 2013. I’d love to do pin-up, horror, Victorian, or fetish…or any mixture of those that can be imagined!
8. What are your plans for the future?
My convention attendance is skyrocketing. In my first three years, I attended four conventions a year. This year, I attended six. Next year, I’m confirmed for eight, but I’m shooting for nine. So in between all of those, all of my free time will most likely be spent glued to my craft table and sewing machine!
9. Where can my readers see more examples of your work?
I update my Facebook page (facebook.com/mariegreycosplay) the most, but I’m also on Twitter (twitter.com/_mariegrey) and deviantArt (mariegreycosplay.deviantart.com).
10. If you had to pick one cosplay, which one is your favorite?
It would probably be a tie between Lulu from Final Fantasy X, Poison Ivy from Batman, and Black Canary from Birds of Prey. Each of those characters (and the series they’re each from) played such an integral part in my life growing up. I just love that I was able to bring them to life.