Ladies and Gentlemen, Nerds of all ages, do I have a special treat for you. I have been waiting for this interview for some time and I finally got in contact with this wonderful cosplayer from Mexico. If you are a fan of cosplay, you know this young lady as the best Cyclops there is. She is as talented as she is beautiful. So without further ado, here is my interview with the talented and lovely, Nadyasonika.
1. Who are you and where are you from?
My name is Nadya Anton and I’m from Juarez Chihuahua, Mexico
2. How did you discover cosplay?
When I was younger, a few friends invited me to an event here in Juarez Chihuahua and they told me that I could go in a costume.
3. I really love your Rule 63 Cyclops. What made come up with that idea?
I was in love with Scott Summers since I discovered the X-men. He is a freaking awesome character, sometimes he is an asshole but nobody is perfect.
4. I also love your Zatanna, do you have a favorite comic related cosplay?
Zatanna, I enjoyed so much from the Justice League and she is my favorite member. I fell in love with the character because of Adam Hughes and his ability to draw her so pretty!
5. Do you cosplay other genres?
You mean games and stuff like that? YES! I LOVE GAMES, its like my favorite thing ever! I enjoy making video game cosplays very much! I also love to cosplay anime and movies, buy my favorite is games.
6. How do you like to showcase your cosplays the best, conventions or photo-shoots?
I enjoy going to the conventions> Getting to know different people, have fun, etc.
However, the photo-shoots is like going to another universe, and you see your work with a perfect background and the heroic pose, That is AWESOME!
7. Do you do other modeling besides cosplay?
Yes, I do model, like promotions for restaurants, clothing, and fashion, but ITS NOT MY TYPE!, I like the nerdy/geeky things best.
8. What are your plans for the future?
My most ambitious plans are winning the world cosplay summit in Mexico, travel around the world on this (cosplay), meet a lot of people, and be happy.
9. Where can my readers see more examples of your work?
You can visit my webpage at www.nadyasonika.com or my Facebook page at www.facebook.com/pages/Nadyasonika/161297157250955
10. Do you have other hobbies besides cosplaying? If so, what are they?
Yep! , I like to play Vampire the Masquerade with my friends. I go to the theatre to see what is good in the world of movies. I like to sing and draw. I enjoy my career industrial design. I also play videogames and board games.