It’s Monday so it’s time for another interview with a beautiful and talented cosplayer. Today, I have someone who a lot of you will recognize for some of her various cosplays. So without further hesitation, I give to you my interview with Lindsay aka Sheikahchica Cosplay.
1. Who are you and where are you from?
My real name is Lindsay and I’m from northern Ohio.
2. How did you discover cosplay?
I discovered it through the internet towards the end of high school and beginning of college. I really admired the work of the cosplayers and thought how cool it would be to actually step into the shoes of some of my favorite characters. I finally began in 2009 and haven’t stopped since!
3. I really love your Imperial Scout cosplay. What made you come up with that idea?
It was actually an idea started up by my friend Morgan. She had this awesome idea of Imperial Fem Scouts, and really wanted more girls to costume with. She sold me a set of spare Biker Scout armor, and I went from there. With my Ewok kills on the “backpack” piece, I thought it would be neat to have some baby Ewoks hanging from my belt, so I acquired some small teddy bears and made little hoods for them. The furry boot covers were Morgan’s idea, and we agreed that an albino Ewok was sacrificed for them. I really enjoy this costume because it’s a fun one where you don’t worry about accuracy and it shows women can kick butt in white armor too! Though some people take it too seriously and make comments about the lack of armor not being practical. But you’ll always have that. In the end, it’s just supposed to be a fun, “pin-up girl” style of costume.
4. What is your favorite Star Wars cosplay?
My favorite so far is also the first costume I ever did – my slave Leia. It complements the female form so well and is such an empowering costume. It has been an inspiration for me time and again, proving that even when you think you’ve hit your lowest, you can still find the strength and courage to break the chains that bind you.
5. What other genres do you cosplay?
Movies, video games, and comic books are the genres I generally cosplay.
6. Do you do cosplay photo shoots only or do you do the convention scene to show off costumes or both?
Both, actually. I love to wander the halls at cons to see other costumes and to have fun wearing mine (sometimes even getting into character, such as skipping down the hallway as a Little Sister from Bioshock). I love getting together for photoshoots with others cosplaying from the same series, and enjoy working one-on-one with photographers who really challenge me to step up to the role of the character I’m costuming.
7. Do you do other modeling besides cosplay?
I have dabbled in wedding dress modeling and have done a decent amount of gothic modeling. I was also chosen to be a background artist in Marvel’s Avengers movie – which in essence, a movie extra is really just another form of a model. I’d really like to pursue other artistic forms of modeling in the future if time allows.
8. What are your plans for the future?
Well, I recently graduated with a Bachelor’s degree. So my current task is trying to start a career. But I haven’t put costuming COMPLTELY to the side. I have a few new costumes planned for the end of this year and the new year – a new video game costume, a movie costume, and a fun gender-bent costume are among the top ones on my list.
9. Where can our readers see more examples of your work?
They can find me on facebook at Sheikahchica Cosplay, or look me up under “Sheikahchica” on deviantart.com and cosplay.com.
10. If you had to pick one cosplay, which one is your favorite?
This is always a hard question because it’s like asking which of your children you like best. Honestly, it would be a tie for me between slave Leia, Bloodrayne, and any version of Jill Valentine I’ve done (Resident Evil, Resident Evil 3: Nemesis, and Resident Evil 5
If you want to see more of Sheikahchica’s cosplay, be sure to check out the Derf’s Domain FB page.