Well, do I have a great interview in store for you today? You can say it is Supa! Seriously, I have been looking forward in sharing my interview with this cosplayer for weeks. Her cosplay name is SupaTuna Cosplay and she is as talented as she is beautiful! So fellow Nerds, I present to you my interview with SupaTuna Cosplay.
1. Who are you and where are you from?
I go by SupaTuna. I’m currently living in Northern California.
2. How did you discover cosplay?
My older sister introduced me into the magical world of cosplay. She brought me to my first convention and told me about cosplay. When I found out about it, I jumped right on board! My family loves to make costumes and our favorite Holiday has always been Halloween. So getting the chance to dress up any time I wanted was the ultimate hobby for me.
3. I really love your Baby Doll cosplay. What made you choose her?
I chose Babydoll because after watching Suckerpunch twice I just fell in love with her. Emily browning is an actress I admire deeply. My friend was the first to cosplay her and I wanted to join in, but didn’t feel as connected to the other characters other than Rocket. Since her group cosplay was full and had no spots available I decided why not make my own costume of the character I really loved. Babydoll was a great oportunity for me to step out of my comfort zone. I usually dislike female characters, and she was the first I really connected with is a really long time. She became my first female cosplay in about 5 years.
4. Which comic character do you love cosplaying the most?
I LOOOOVE cosplaying as Rogue. That’s not much of a secret. But each of the characters I cosplay as always holds a love in my heart. I definitely plan to cosplay more of my ultimate favorite comic characters in the future, and I’m overly excited to work on their costumes.
5. What other characters have you cosplayed?
I’ve cosplayed lots of characters from a variety of genres. My first ever cosplay was Inuyasha. I’ve dressed as several video game characters, anime characters and the most popular one I’m known for; 2D from the Gorillaz.
6. Do you go to conventions to show off your cosplay or do you do photo shoots only?
I go to conventions to meet friends, cosplay, do photos and of course check out the con goers. I love meeting celebrities and attending a few panels as well as checking out the new swag being sold by vendors. My usual goal is to get photoshoots of my costumes completed, but meeting amazing fans is always a highlight to a convention.
7. Do you do other modeling besides cosplay?
As of yet I haven’t delved into much modeling other than for my costumes. I hope to someday expand on my modeling and work with people for the fashion industry and hair or makeup. Hopefully it will happen sooner, rather than later.
8. What are your plans for the future?
I have several plans for the future. I really hope to someday be able to work in the fashion and photography industry, either doing hair, makeup, costumes, or photography. It’d be a lot of fun to also model for others and get myself out there.
9. Where can my readers see more examples of your work?
I have a deviantart as well as a tumblr and facebook fan page. People are welcome and encouraged to check them out.
10. If you had to pick one cosplay, which one is your favorite?
My favorite cosplay currently would have to be Rogue. I’ve really enjoyed my time dressing as her, and I’ve loved her since my childhood.