In celebration of the new Cosplay category, I decided to treat you with a cosplay interview on Friday. If all goes well, you will have an additional interview on Monday as well. Today’s interview is focused on the beautiful and talented Yiri Cosplay. I first discovered her cosplay on deviantart, when I was looking in my Marvel Universe folder and saw her Lady Loki. When I saw her version of Lady Loki, I knew I had to interview her for the site. Now sit back and enjoy as SomeWhatNerdy proudly present’s Derf’s interview with Yiri Cosplay.
1. Who are you and where are you from?
I’m Nicolette, otherwise known as yirico92 and Yiri Cosplay!
2. How did you discover cosplay?
I discovered cosplay when I was about 11 years old. I had just started getting into anime and was looking up different characters online (I distinctly remember looking up D. Gray-Man at one point, haha) and I found these amazing cosplayers on deviantart. I had been amazed by the detail and effort that some of these people had put into their cosplays and I really wanted to try it myself! eventually I tried cosplaying (and in comparison to the people I had seen online.. well… I didn’t exactly compare) and I kept trying to make my costumes bigger and better and challenging myself and now here I am!
3. I really love your Loki cosplay. What made you choose that character?
Since I was little I was always into mythology (primarily Egyptian) and would look up articles online or basic information about different gods and what they represented. Eventually I found Norse mythology and, of course, Loki. I hadn’t read many Marvel comics at the time so I didn’t know about Journey Into Mystery or any comics involving Loki until much much later. Loki eventually became my favorite Marvel villain once I began reading more comics and the moment Lady Loki was introduced I fell in love even more than before. He became so much more, well, sassy I guess. She is my top Marvel character now and since I felt that I could now cosplay her with pride I decided why the hell not? haha
4. Have you cosplayed other comic characters?
Not yet. I’m planning a Silk Spectre cosplay and eventually Black Cat but I have not worked on either yet (I’m currently working on Morrigan from the game Darkstalkers).
5. What other genres do you cosplay?
The better question is what do I NOT cosplay! I cosplay from animes, mangas, video games, and comics. I’m also planning on cosplaying from Tron and Sleeping Beauty soon so you can add movies to the list!
6. Do you go to conventions to show off your cosplay or do you do photo shoots only?
I absolutely adore conventions. It’s a way for me to branch out with my nerdy hobby and meet people who share that same nerdy hobby so we can all be nerdy together. I also meet lots of photographers at conventions that allow me to do photoshoots to showcase my cosplays.
7. Do you do other modeling besides cosplay?
I have through my school and several painting classes but not anything professional.
8. What are your plans for the future?
I’m an aspiring actress so I hope my plans involve me making it big, haha. But my backup is to get into fashion design or styling.
9. Where can my readers see more examples of your work?
Through my cosplay page (Yiri Cosplay) or on my DeviantArt (yirico92)
10. If you had to pick one cosplay, which one is your favorite?
Hmmmm… that’s a hard choice. I’m between my Kimono Alois from the anime Kuroshitsuji II and my Succubus Catherine cosplay from the video game Catherine. Alois because he is one of my all time favorite psychopaths and the kimono was the first cosplay ever that I made from scratch and hand painted and Catherine because she was really really tedious to make! Catherine was also hand painted, the curls took longer than expected, the horns were my first I ever made, and the boots and gloves were all hand sewn and painted as well. I guess I’d have to go with Catherine since I put so much more work into her and her curls are really fun to wear!