If you haven’t seen it already, here is the super short film Battle At Big Rock brought to us by the minds behind Jurassic World. Thoughts?
Personally I thought this was a very entertaining short and I think it does a great job at capturing the spirit of what made the Jurassic Park franchise scary.
The Jurassic World movies are trying to pull an Emeril Lagasse it and kick it up an extra notch but all we really need, all most of us really want, is more of what made the first films good.
Even Jurassic Park 3, which was arguably the worst of the first three was still quite entertaining and I think it would have been worth a watch even without the star studded cast.
This short film was good. It kept me glued to the screen. My drink sat forgotten for the 8 minutes and if they can do that with a cast of nobodies, no huge explosions, or genetically mutated dinosaurs, it only proves that we don’t need those to begin with.