Just because I wish Pixar would do a movie like this.
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I’m Snarfkris and I’m the head Nerd here at SWN. I'm also one of the host on the SomewhatNerdy Radio and Nerds of the Squared Circle podcast. On top of that I am also the webmaster, editor, writer, and all around slave to the website. I’m a giant Star Wars and comic Nerd. MTFBWY
Snarfkris, how in the hell does that "fit the occasion"?????
get out of here
Fit the occasion? What do you mean?
My boyfriend and I absolutely adore this picture.
Also, Ezekiel 25:17 fits every occasion.
Yeah very awesome picture. I didn't do it (it was sent to me) if any body knows who did it let me know. Also Ezekiel 25:17 does fit every occasion.
Thanks for reading.
wasnt magneto in the holocuast?
just saying