If you been a fan of SWN since the beginning (way before most of the Nerds joined the SWN team or before we even thought about starting a podcast (check that out HERE)) we started out on a simple website with one of the main purposes of sharing Nerdcore music. Being big fans of music in general on top of being giant Nerds, Nerdcore is a marriage of everything right in the Nerd world.
So today we are happy to share with you, Kid Apocalypse’s new album called RE:GENESIS. Take old school Nerdy nostalgia and add in the world’s first mutant and you have Kid Apocalypse. Check out his newest music video below then if you dig it you can download the whole album HERE for totally free. The whole album has been my jam for the past days so let me know what you think in the comments below. While your at it go like his FB page HERE and his Twitter HERE.