It is time for my first interview of the new year. I wanted to start the new year with a bang, so I didn’t just choose a cosplayer, I chose a cosplayer who happens to be a very successful alt model in the industry. When you are finished reading the review, take some time and look at her sites and I am sure you have seen her somewhere before. Enough about what I, the beast has to say, let’s hear from the beauty herself. (See what I did there, lol.) Nerds and Nerdettes, I present to you my interview with the beautiful and talented, Toxic Techno.
SWN: Who are you and where are you from?
TT: I am known as Toxic Techno and I am from Ohio.
SWN: I first discovered your work on tumblr. You were in body paint as Harley Quinn. How did that idea come about?
TT: I love Harley Quinn and body paint. A photographer friend of mine suggested doing a shoot with another photographer and the body paint artist and it just went from there.
SWN: I noticed that some of your modeling deals with things of the Nerdy nature, like gaming and comics. Are you a gamer? Do you read comics? If so what titles have you played or read?
TT: Yes, I am a gamer and comic book reader. I love playing Halo, Gears of War, Borderlands, Assassins Creed, Warhammer, and horror games. In the world of comics I love the Walking Dead, Batman, but mostly Marvel comics.
SWN: How long have you been a model? What was your first “gig”?
TT: About 8 years now I believe. My first one was a shoot in a cemetery with the modeling company I was with. As for paid gigs I did senior photos for a local photographer.
SWN: What is your favorite genre to model?
TT: It would have to be Cybergoth. I love being able to mix colors ,cyberlox and furry leg warmers.
SWN: If you had to pick one, do you prefer sexy outfits or body paint?
TT: sexy outfits.
SWN: What are your modeling plans for the future?
TT: Try and get out there more.
SWN: What other passions do you have besides modeling?
TT: Playing board games
SWN: Where can our readers see more of your work?
TT: Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram
SWN: If you could give advice to newcomers to the modeling world, what would it be?
TT: Watch out for creepers and bad photographers. Always bring an escort to photo shoots. Don’t agree to shoot if it doesn’t feel right.
Words of Wisdom! I hope you enjoyed my interview with Toxic Techno. Please take time and look at her sites and check out all the wonderful things she has done. To see all the publications she has been in, make sure to read her about section on Facebook. Until next time. unleash your inner NERD!