Before I read it my first thought was that Michael Bay had got his slimy hands on it, you can’t blame me with his past record, but luckily I was wrong. That didn’t make things any better though as I carried on reading the official statement.
I had many emotions when I read the official news release, mainly anger but also sadness and confusion. I know this sounds a-lot for what many would call ‘just a film’ but there is something you have to understand, if it wasn’t for “Evil Dead” then I wouldn’t be where I am today. That film opened me up-to the world of Horror, it was a life changing moment for me. if you’ve never experienced something like that then it’s hard to comprehend something like that.
I was angry for a very long time but you can’t stop the inevitable, so I tried to relax about the whole situation and keep my mouth shut. I managed to keep it that way for a while whilst secretly keeping tabs on news of the film. Then quite recently I started receiving e-mails asking me my opinion on the remake, which leads me to why I’m doing these posts so here’s my full answer.
In my heart I feel so angry about about it but my head understands why it’s happening, this is my own internal struggle with it. All the constant arguing within me, it’s hard to describe. I remember when I finally brought myself to watch the red-band trailer and in all honesty I wasn’t too impressed but I can’t form an opinion of the entire film based on a 2 minute trailer.
There-in lies my problem, I don’t want to see it but I’m a person who has low will power when it comes to curiosity and my curiosity is at a high peak. I think the fact that the film is in the hands of the originators is a good thing, plus the fact of reports coming out the film is CGI-free is fantastic but unfortunately it’s not enough for me.
I am in a lose-lose situation and that is the way a-lot of Horror films feel about their precious films. Remember the up-roar around the “A Nightmare On Elm Street” remake? Or even the most recent “Hellraiser” movie? The main problem was the actors who played our beloved villains were replaced, well that’s how I feel about “Evil Dead”. To me Bruce Campbell and his character ‘Ash’ make those films, for me it’s a case of no ‘Ash’, no sale! Now I know Campbell is said to have a cameo in the film, it’s still not enough.
So if I’m so against it and have many reasons not to watch it then why am I so curious?