Earlier in the year, I promised to bring more material to the site. Well, I am proud to introduce you to NERD MODE. What is NERD MODE? Well, it is posts that will consist of all things gaming, especially video games. We all know about the different modes in games, like god mode. But here at Somewhatnerdy, we provide you with NERD MODE.
For my first post in NERD MODE, I decided to take a closer look at a fun game that I have been playing during my vacation called, Transformers Devastation. So, let’s stop all the chit chat and experience NERD MODE.

Transformers Devastation is an action packed game that has you assuming the identity of your favorite Autobots to stop Megatron and the Decepticons from destroying New York City. The game is developed by Platinum Games and published by Activision. It was released on Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One in October of 2015. Yes, I know the game is almost 4 years old, but it is a fun gamed to play.
As I stated before, you are controlling the team of Autobots and you are trying to stop the DEVASTATION of NYC. The Autobots at your disposal are Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Grimlock, Wheeljack, and my favorite Sideswipe. The Decepticons include basic ground warriors, seekers, as well as the Insecticons, the Destructicons, Starscream, Soundwave, Thunercracker, Blitzwing, Shockwave, Megatron, Motormaster, the Stunticons, as well as Devastator and Menasor.
Why New York City? Well, it appears that their is a ship under the city that has been dormant for centuries. The ship is known as Proudstar and it’s mission was to make planets suitable for beings from Cybertron. The ship is no longer dormant and it is making the necessary changes under Megatron’s control. How did Megatron discover Proudstar? Well, the Insecticons led him to hit when they picked up the energy source and started to feed.
There are more parts to the plot that I am purposely leaving out because I want you to discover them on your own if you haven’t already.

Transformers Devastation is a one player game which consists of 7 chapters. Each Chapter is separated into several missions, including side missions, before you can go onto the next chapter. If you play the Challenge Mode, you are offered up to 50 stand alone missions. The game also features multiple levels of difficulty, with more unlocked upon clearing the game multiple times. You can also use credits to make any necessary upgrades to weapons and your fighting moves.

I grew up watching Transformers as a kid and I had a lot of the G1 toys. (Hell, I still do) So, when I first heard about this game I had to have it. You are basically playing a game that allows you to be in the cartoon. That is one thing that I really love about this game. I am reliving a huge part of my childhood each time I play. Gamespot may have given Transformers Devastation a 7 out of 10, but I gladly give it a 10 out of 10. Why a perfect score? Because playing this game brings me back to the ’80s and I am a kid all over again.
Until next time, get your GAME on and always play in NERD MODE.