Hey there Nerds. Guess what. It’s Nerd Talk time. Yup, it’s that time of the month where we pick a topic and we discuss said topic. What will we be talking about this time around? You may have heard a rumor that we love wrestling. There have been a few hints like our Wrestling Podcast on our network called Nerds of the Squared Ciricle (find the newest episode here). If you’re a wrestling fan you’ll know that Survivor Series is just around the corner so we thought we’d come up with our dream team. If we could pick any current wrestler no matter the brand, who would our 5 man team be? Read on and find out.
Edit: In my inital post I forgot to include the picks from Josh Martin, the amazing voice actor who worked on such great shows as Full Metal Alchemist, Dragon Ball, and Dragon Ball Z (as the fan favorite Majin Buu). Please check out the interview our very own Derf did with him. You can find that here. Please accept my (Billiam) apologies for my mistake and without further ado, here’s our Nerd Talk and Josh Martin to lead the way.
Josh Martin
My 5 Man Dream Team
Lesnar- I’ve been a mark for him since I saw him at a house show in Dallas, before his first ever TV debut.
Strowman- HE’S the Next Big Thing!
KO- I love his heel stuff!
AJ- I’m a longtime fan, and glad to see he’s doing even better than I could’ve expected.
Miz- I’ve watched him go from wannabe on the Real World to Tough Enough contestant then along his slow-but-steady rise to one of the cleanest promos and best heels in the WWE.
Honorable mentions- Shinske(Strong style!), Generico(#bringbackthemask), Luke Harper(though NOT excited about “Bludgeon Brothers”), Enzo(manager-only; he’ll either go on to be one of the best, or one of the biggest one-hit wonders in WWE history)…IMO.
Hmmm, who would be on my 5 man team. You want to go with Muscle yet have agility and stamina as well. With that in mind, my 5 man team would be:
- Strowman-Why? Simply because he is the Monster among men. Not only is he strong, but he is quick and agile.
- Samoa Joe-When you go to war, you need a capable leader who has seen battle and come out on top. sure he hasn’t had a championship title since being drafted to RAW, but it is only a matter of time.
- AJ Styles- Simply because he is phenominal
- Rusev- He is simply an underused talent who could pull out the victory.
- Kane- Kane has been my favorite since his debut and I feel that he has enough in his tank to destroy any opponent.
I have to say that this has been the most challenging NerdTalk we have done yet, seriously, I have been pulling my hair out over this. The selection process for my 5 man team has had me awake at night trying to pick and choose which wrestlers I should choose and here it finally is, now read it quickly before I change my mind again!
Braun Strowman: The next big thing in WWE, literally, he has all the right tools to secure a victory.
AJ Styles: No team would be complete without the phenomenal one, he has the big match experience.
Jeff Hardy: The true veteran of the team, he has all the experience and the fearlessness to do what’s needed.
Finn Bálor: Demon King or not, Bálor is one of the greatest in ring performers and we’ve yet to see his best.
Brock Lesnar: One of the greatest big men in WWE, another member of my team who knows how to get the job done.
I have to agree with Raz on this one and say that this one has been the most challenging. I’m just thankful that we’re picking from the current roster just because if it was anyone, it would drive me crazy. Both Derf and Raz had reasoning for their picks but for me? I just picked my team because I thought it would be cool. I like the reasoning the others had for their picks but my picks are based solely on the amount of fanboy freak out it would generate from me.
The Miz: The Miz has really come into his own and is one of the best (if not THE best) heel the WWE has. I’ve liked him ever since he was part of Miz and Morrison and I like him to this day.
Jimmy and Jey Uso: Lets face it. The feud between The Usos and The New Day went on forever. But then again, their matches are always really good. Each time I watched a match I found myself always being more impressed with the Usos which is why I think they’d be a devastating addition to any
Randy Orton: Because he’s Randy effing Orton. I watched wrestling as a kid and then stopped. When I came back to wrestling that’s when the Championship kept jumping between Orton, Cena, and Triple H. He was my one of my favorites back in the mid 2000’s and he’s one of my favorite now.
Chris Jericho: Sure, he’s not currently wrestling but he’s technically still on the roster. Jericho is my favorite, hands down. He’s the first to become the Undisputed Champion beating The Rock and Stone Cold in one night (With help? Sure, but he’s still awesome) He’s held the IC title more than anyone else and lets face it, he’s just the best.
Did I shamelessly copy Raz’s idea for a picture? Yup.
Do you have a question you’d like the Somewhat Nerdy Crew to discuss? Let us know. Drop us a comment on this blog, on our facebook page. Email the podcasts at either SomewhatNerdyRadio@gmail.com or BilliamReviews@gmail.com. Tweet us @somenerds or @billiamSWN and we’ll use your topic for the next Nerd Talk with the Somewhat Nerdy Crew!