New Nerd Talk!!! Nerd Talk is where some of the Nerds here at SWN answer questions from you, the fans, about Nerd culture … this week we talk about “Out of all apocalypse scenarios, which one would we prefer to live in?” Also check out our last Nerd Talk HERE where we talk about “What was our favorite comic book movie?” Make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel HERE, we have some video Nerd Talks up right now and we will continue to do our video toy reviews. Thanks for reading and if you got a question to ask the Nerds you can email us at and make sure to comment with your own answers in the comment section below.
As a Horror fan I’ve watched plenty of Apocalyptic films in my time, in-fact I’m highly fond of them and have thought about the different scenarios and how I would survive more than I should have done really. Now, as the resident Horror guy at SomewhatNerdy I know a-lot of you would be expecting me to choose the zombie apocalypse but as much as I’d love that to happen I wouldn’t CHOOSE to live in that scenario. Preferably I’d live in a world that has been the victim of a Global Blackout, just like what you see in the TV show “Revolution”. The reason I’d like that world is because I feel we live in a world that relies too much on electrical products, we certainly have become accustomed to a lifestyle that is unsustainable. Whilst I’m no tree-hugger I am a person who highly enjoys nature and grow my own vegetables and always shop from local farms for food and such. I’m a person who cares for the environment and do as much as I can with the likes of recycling etc, whilst I hope this doesn’t come off as preachy towards you all it’s the reason why I chose this scenario. It suits me to a tee and it’s a world I could thrive in, it’s going back to basics and relying more on yourself and a community. If a few zombies decided to turn up though I wouldn’t complain ;)
Hmmmm, today’s Nerd Talk deals with what Apocalyptic world would we prefer to live in. Most of the Nerds on this site are going to either say Zombies or Terminators, so I went old school. My choice of the Apocalyptic future I would want to live in is the world of Mad Max. For those of you who do not know, The Mad Max trilogy is set in a future wasteland, where humanity has to resort back to the basics to survive. There are no booming cities anymore, only nomads who will kill to get their fill.(See what I did there, LoL) As I child, I always dreamed of living in these times. When I first saw Road Warrior, I was like damn that man is bad ass. I did not realize that it was the second movie until watching a late night feature when they played Mad Max. It was there the story that I knew from Road Warrior started to make sense. Anyway, I have gotten of the subject. Sure, zombies are cool as well as robots, but I would prefer to live in the world of Mad Max. Only the strong survive is the main thing to remember in this world. Help those if you want, but trust no one. Some of you may think that this is no way to live, but it sure beats running from intelligent machines and trying to outlast a zombie plague. Well, that’s all I gotta say about that.
There is a lot to consider when it comes to this question. Do you want a relatively safe apocalypse but devoid of all modern comforts? One where you can be a total badass and just annihilate a zombie plague? Or be part of an underground resistance to restore some sort of order? I’ve watched enough movies and read enough books to know the ups and downs of each. Yes, it would be awesome to just blast zombies in the face, but zombies freak me out. And the idea of turning into one is even scarier. To be part of a resistance group that fights never tiring, pretty much invincible machines who only have the urge to kill all of humanity doesn’t sound like a pleasant future either, even on end of the world standards. A world with no power anything? Screw that! How would survive that? An entire planet of water? I would constantly have to pee and probably be sea sick. This list is pretty much endless, there are so many different dystopian future scenarios, it’s ridiculous. But…If I had to pick one. I would go with Y: The Last Man scenario. I’m sure many of you know that comic series from Vertigo. So, let me just sum up the positive part of this post-apocalyptic world with this one statement: I would be the only dude on a planet full of women. That’s pretty much a no brainer. I’m guessing I won’t need to go into detail on how that could be potentially awesome. All the drama in that storyline aside, I think I could make it work.
One dude…an entire world full of chicks…dot com. Plus I would have a pet monkey. I would imagine that would lead to some hilarious shenanigans.
“He is actually a pretty great pet. The worst thing about him is he is way more into poo flinging than me.”
It’s the year 2063, a mere ten years after World War 3, and the world is still in ruins. Over six hundred million people died and those who survived live in small village communities and try their best to survive while fighting off different warring factions. There are no zombies in this world. There is no machine uprising or anything like that. But do you know what there is? There’s a man in Bozeman, Montana named Zefram Cochrane, the father of the warp drive. On April 5, 2063 Zefram Cochrane got in the pilot seat of Phoenix with the help of his copilots Commander William Riker and Lieutenant Commander Geordi La Forge made the test flight of the warp drive on time, despite the best efforts of the Borg Queen. So why would I choose this apocalyptic setting when I could choose from zombies or machine uprising? That’s easy. I’d get to see first contact, the most important event in human history. If I lived long enough, which might not be that easy living is such dire conditions, I’d get to see the birth of Starfleet Academy in San Francisco. That’s why I’d choose to live in a post WWIII hovel and scrape by day to day. I know it’s not one of the most popular apocalypse scenarios and it’s not as potentially heroic as being a bad ass with a crossbow in a zombie apocalypse, but while I waited for First Contact I could drink tequila and listen to Roy Orbison with Zefram Cochrane and who knows, maybe I could still be a hero and fend off an attack from a rival faction.
2025 – Human weaponry and warfare has advanced to a level of brutal perfection. Drones fly above the battlefield acquiring and eliminating targets while bots, immune to radiation and pain, patrol below. Railguns and laser based weapons have evolved and are general issue for both sentient and artificial units. Tired of squabbling with one another and fearing worldwide destruction by our own hands the United States, the European Union, Russia and China form the New World Order. 2033 – Rebellion to the Order is culled. 176 Of earth’s nations are united under one banner. The South Americans were the last to go. Their advances in aviation and outer-atmosphere combat almost turned the tide but the sheer size of the Order could not be overcome. The leaders of the new world knew they would eventually conquer General Torres’s forces but they weren’t expecting to have mankind’s most powerful technology fall right in their laps. “The pulse” was almost 75% completed when NWO research on it began. Nobody thought the energy needed to reach the edges of our solar system would be nothing more than a series of magnetic relays. By 2035 the project was in it’s first phase of testing but mankind weren’t the only species interested in this new super technology.
2041- It only took an hour for them to bring our entire planet to it’s knees. Turns out the military’s philosophy of “if you can create it you better be able to destroy it” was a few hundred thousand years older than anybody realized. Our parents had returned and they weren’t happy that we reaching for the cookie jar. Massive energy beams at least a quarter mile in circumference blasted all large military installations and government facilities almost simultaneously. Industrial centers were next. The zealots were right about one thing, our creator was not very forgiving when provoked. Civilization was destroyed in less time than it takes to get a pizza delivered.
2044 – They didn’t kill us all. Hell they didn’t even breech our atmosphere as far as anyone knows. The few of us who live on scratch and claw every moment just to survive. Machinery and other comforts of our past lives are all but forgotten. Relics and nothing more. These days people don’t talk about tv or the latest comic book. Chatter revolves around the necessities like shelter and clean water. Our camp has been braving the edges of our zone lately. We already lost one squad to the radiation,by the time we finally get this rock mapped out and divided into clean and dirty zones it may dissipate. Gone is the happiness of reading a new post on SomewhatNerdy or playing a video game . Shit happiness is gone altogether and has been replaced by relief. Those are the feelings we have now, fear and relief. Fear of the muties, relieved when your arrow strikes your game and downs it.
People suck. They really do … I suck, you suck, the person sitting next to you sucks … everybody sucks. People would be the worst thing in any apocalypse. People prey on the weak now and I’m sure that would be 100 times worst in a apocalypse. So lets take a alien over-lord apocalypse … you would be dealing with aliens trying to kill you and people at the same time. Zombie apocalypse, zombies trying to kill you and people trying to kill you. Same with robot death squads or the plague, people will suck while all these things try to kill you. So I pick a Mad Max/The Road scenario were the only thing I would have to worry about would be the human race. At least then I only have to worry about I one thing (other than food, shelter, water, etc.) Hell a Waterworld scenario even sounds good … at least then I could get on a boat and get the hell away from everybody … and fish. Don’t get me wrong killing zombies, robots and aliens sounds fun and all … but lets be honest with each other, most of us would die in the first wave.