It has been too long since I have written a single issue review and I couldn’t have picked a better issue to start back up with. It’s Wednesday which we all know as New Comic Day, but it is also a day to celebrate all things Wolverine. So for my latest comic review, I chose to review Origin II #1. In my opinion, this book is an instant classic.
Origin is a well written and amazingly drawn comic that told us the beginnings of Logan’s journey to eventually become the Wolverine. Origin left off with Logan going into the woods to live a life of solitude. Origin II begins were Origin left off.
We find ourselves in the forests of Canada where Logan has been accepted into a pack of wolves. He helps with the hunt and protects the cubs. He is a member of a family once again, but what would happen if that was taken away?
Origin II #1 is a story that every single Wolverine fan needs to read. This is the beginning of a new chapter in Logan’s life and all hell is about to break loose. I could tell you more about the issue, but that wouldn’t be fair. Hell, when I read it, I wanted more so I know you will to. That is why it isn’t fair for me to spoil too much from this issue. I will tell you however, I bought the special “double” cover that leads me to believe that something SINISTER may be heading our way.
The writing style of Kieron Gillen just pulls you in and lets you live Logan’s story as if you were there. The artwork of Adam Kubert just brings this story to life and the coloring by Frank Martin is the icing on the cake. I give the first issue of Origin II a rating of 11 out of 10. It is that damn good! I cannot wait to read issue #2. Until next time, Get your READ on!