Hannah goes back to her hometown of Gatlin to find out who her mother is.
The series carries on strong with entry number six.
15 years after we saw him, ‘Isaac’ returns to the series, for fans of the franchise this was a great moment because the original creepy kid was back to finish what he started and I can honestly say that his return was 50% of my reason to watch this film, as I know it was for a-lot of people.
John Franklin puts in a fantastic performance and shows the relentlessness of the character, he adds more depth and history to a much loved yet creepy character. It’s just such a shame it took so long for him to come back but at-least he finally did.
The plot itself is a little murky but still manageable, it’s all about the children of the children. I won’t say anymore than that because I don’t want to give too much away and spoil it for anyone, I will say though that just stick with it and be patient, it’s all worth it in the end.
Director Kari Skogland does a great job as does the rest of the cast, they all put in a highly watchable performance that manages to keep your attention throughout and you can’t ask for much more than that from a sixth entry in a series. I’m still surprised it’s as strong as it is.
“Children Of The Corn 666 – Isaac’s Return” is another great addition that keeps the series going, a rarity at this stage.