
When a girl named Jamie repeatedly tries to contact her grandmother to no avail, she investigates by going to her apartment in Omaha Nebraska.

Well every series has it’s downturn, this is it for “Children Of The Corn”.


With some films you can tell from the off what exactly you’re in for, this film is one of them and unfortunately what we’re in for is nothing good. My problem with the beginning is it’s the same setup we’ve seen a million times and it doesn’t even try to do anything new.

Once the story gets going it becomes very evident that the actors themselves aren’t really that great, especially the child actors. IU mean no offense by that but there are good young actors out there, they’re just not in this movie and it soon becomes very tedious.


The film does pick up but by then the dullness has set in and it becomes slow paced and highly predictable, which makes for really boring viewing. It isn’t helped by trying to expand on a backstory that becomes so muddled as the film goes on, it has it’s moments but there few and far between.

This film is Director Guy Magars last to date and it’s not exactly surprising judge on this, it is filmed sloppily and the story is very lazy. It had potential to be something really enjoyable, with a big budget or not, but this seems like it was done by someone who read a “101 ways to make a Horror film”.


“Children Of The Corn – Revelation” is a definite dip in the series and it’s such a shame as it could’ve been so much different with the source material.

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I have an obsession with all things Horror and it's an honour to share my passion with you all!