Chucky’s back as the doll possessed by the soul of a serial killer, butchering all who stand in his way of possessing the body of a boy.
With the huge success of “Child’s Play” a sequel was never in doubt, 2 years later we got one.
The film continues on from the events of the first film, ‘Andy’ has been placed in foster care and his mum has been committed. Despite the bad publicity the Good Guy doll received the company are still trying to sort it all out, problem is they’ve use the melted parts of the possessed doll to rebuild it. Turns out ‘Chucky’ is still alive and he’s even more pissed off.
The films theme and setting isn’t much different from the first release and that’s not a bad thing, if we’re honest all we want to see is ‘Chucky’ killing and tormenting people and to hear that menacing laugh every now and then. This is exactly what we get.
Talking of ‘Chucky’ his wicked personality develops even more in this sequel and you can tell Brad Dourif is really enjoying voicing the role, it’s easily heard in his voice. Plus it helps that the animatronics have improved vastly, it’s the little things like that that make a huge difference.
The rest of the cast put in a great performance and Director John Lafia does a fantastic job of continuing Don Mancini’s story. I honestly would have preferred to have Tom Holland back in the Directors seat, that’s no disrespect to Lafia, I just feel that Holland captures more os the essence of ‘Chucky’.
“Child’s Play 2” is a worthy sequel and is great entertainment.
Miscellaneous facts about the film:
In the later seasons of Seinfeld (in which Grace Zabriskie plays “Mrs. Ross,” after playing “Grace Poole” in this film), a copy of Child’s Play 2 can be spotted on the shelf in Jerry’s apartment where he keeps his VHS tapes.
The only film in the series where entirely Chucky doesn’t use a real gun as a weapon (although he does use a squirt-gun as a decoy).
Chris Sarandon was originally going to reprise his role as Det. Mike Norris from the first film, but his scenes were cut from the film due to budgetary issues.
Don Mancini stated that in an early draft of his script, the film was set during the Christmas season; this would have explained why so many Good Guy dolls were in the factory during the finale.
Mark Patrick Carducci was developing a script for the film at the same time as Don Mancini.
Opened as the #1 film at the box office.
According to commentary by writer Don Mancini on the DVD of the first film, the reason the rest of the “Child’s Play” films are released by Universal instead of MGM/UA (despite the first film being highly successful for them), was that United Artists was bought out by a company that wanted to abstain to a “family friendly” slate of films. The property was then gladly sold to Universal.
David Kirschner presented Don Mancini the idea of making the setting a foster home.
Kevin Yagher ended up directing several scenes featuring Chucky when the puppets proved problematic to work with.
The original script had an opening scene of a court hearing dealing with the events of the previous film. Catherine Hicks was to reprise her role of Karen Barclay in this sequence but it was cut before filming began.
Originally, Phil and Joanne were named George and Mildred.
Adam Wylie’s first film role.
Christine Elise’s film debut.