A man is accidentally transported to 1300 A.D., where he must battle an army of the dead and retrieve the Necronomicon so he can return home.
Here we are at the end of the trilogy, not many people thought that they would be able to top “Evil Dead 2”, it had great quotes and great gore and much more…….Oh how wrong they were!
Where do you start? The film isa cult classic!!! It spawned so many quotes and amazing scenes that it’s still referenced by people worldwide like it was a new release even though it’s almost 20 years old. It certainly made a huge impact amongst Horror fans.
One thing people argue about is that it’s more of a comedy film with action sequences than a Horror film, I must admit I do agree, despite it having some bloody moments it is more comedic than you’re usual Horror film, but lets just forget that and enjoy it for what it is.
The Ash character portrayed by Bruce Campbell has now evolved in-to an arrogant hero. Spouting one liners left, right and centre and giving us an amazing performance, you can see it’s a character he truly enjoys playing, it shines through through-out the film which certainly makes it better for the viewer.
We also can’t forget Evil Ash, he is such an under-rated character, especially when he has evil Linda along-side him. The two have great on screen chemistry, evil or not. The effects in this film are great, it’s like watching a b-movie with a budget, which it is really. Like I said before it has great one-liners, the dialogue in this film is truly outstanding, easily some of the best I’ve ever heard in a film.
I only have one thing left to say……………………HAIL TO THE KING BABY!
Miscellaneous facts about the film:
An issue of the magazine “Fangoria” can be seen in the car’s trunk.
Bruce Campbell says that in order to make it appear that the chainsaw was always running, tobacco smoke was pumped through a tube that was slid up his right pant leg, up his shirt, and into the chainsaw.
In the original draft, Ash lost an eye.
The original script was 43 pages.
On the posters released for the movie, Music credit goes to ‘Joe LoDuca’, but is misspelled as Joe DoLuca.
During the final battle between the Deadites and Ash’s men, one of the Deadites lets out a war cry that is almost identical to that of Xena: Warrior Princess – a series in which Ted Raimi and Bruce Campbell both featured in, and was also produced by Sam Raimi.
According to Sam Raimi in the book “The Evil Dead Companion” by Bill Warren, Charles Napier was to play Ash’s boss in S-mart, but his role was totally cut. Likewise, Bridget Fonda was scheduled to have more screen time as Linda.
One of the items visible in Ash’s trunk is a copy of “Dark Horse Presents Fifth Anniversary Special,” originally published in April 1991. This comic includes the very first installment of Frank Miller’s ‘Sin City.’
Marcus Gilbert was Ill with food poisoning when filming one of the major fight scenes.
S-Mart is chain of grocery stores in Mexico.
There are several variants of the three words Ash must say when retrieving the necronomicon. Undoubtedly this arises from differing sound quality, people’s hearing, and incorrect subtitling. The words are klaatu, barada, nikto, a reference to the sci-fi movie “The Day the Earth Stood Still”.
When dubbed in French, Evil Ash is singing “Un chanter saint de garcon” which means “A singing saint boy”. The French for Little Goody two shoes is “Petit cadeau deux chaussures”.
When dubbed in Italian, the last words of the movie (Ash says to the girl before kissing) are changed from “hail to the king baby” to the Italian translation of “give me some sugar baby” (“Dammi un po’ di zucchero, baby”). These are the same words that Ash says (both in Eng and Ita version) to Sheila before kissing her for the first time.