Roger Cobb is a author who has just separated from his wife. He moves into a new house and tries to work on a novel based on his experiences in the Vietnam War.
Well here is the start of my “House” franchise review, I’m really excited to be reviewing this franchise, so lets get on with it!
The 80’s was full of fun Horror films, “House” is one of my absolute favourites. I remember seeing the cover for this film and was really curious about what joys the VHS tape had in store for me, was it a slasher? Was it a creature feature? Was it a ghost story? It could be anything!
Well it was a true mixture of many sub genres, Director Steve Miner completely got writer Fred Dekkers story and ran away with it. He truly en-captured the humour of the film and managed to transfer it onto the screen without making it too cheesy, I’d say it’s just borderline.
The cast are absolutely fantastic, lead William Katt was the perfect choice for the role of ‘Roger Cobb’, a man being pushed to the limits of his sanity. His role is helped by George Wendt’s character ‘Harold Gorton’, they really are chalk and cheese characters and that has always worked with Comedy. Put that in a Horror situation and you’re onto a winner.
I also want to give massive kudos to make up and effects team, they did such an amazing job. Also a huge kudos to the films composer, Harry Manfredini, he is actually my all time favourite composer and can capture the essence and atmosphere of any film he works on and his work on this feature is a testament to that.
“House” is a true popcorn movie, you will laugh, you may jump but overall you will be entertained and that’s what matters.
Miscellaneous facts about the film:
Glenn Close and Sigourney Weaver were considered for the female lead role.
The show that Sandy plays in is called “Resort”.
Dennis Franz auditioned for the role of Chet Parker.
The For Sale sign at the beginning of the movie has the name of Craven Realty, a nod to Wes Craven, the legendary horror director.