The new owner of a sinister house gets involved with reanimated corpses and demons searching for an ancient Aztec skull with magic powers.
Only a year after the first film a sequel was released and it’s a film that divides opinion.
The original film is looked back on fondly but this sequel is one that, in my opinion, is very overlooked. The main reason it’s put aside by Horror fans is because it actually contains very little Horror, this film is more comedic and light-hearted than it’s predecessor.
Even though it is more light hearted and comedic I still love it. It’s a film that you could watch as a whole family, even young children. Now I know it might be a shock that I love a child friendly Horror but the story is so well done and so well acted out that you just can’t help but fall for it’s charm.
The cast is fantastic in this sequel, we have 20-something yuppie called Jesse played brilliantly by Arye Gross. We also see another “Cheers” cast member making an appearance, this time being John Ratzenberger who’s always fun to watch on screen. But my favourite character has to be ‘Gramps” played by Royal Dano, you just can’t help but love the old fool.
The make up in this film is just as good as the first, the only downside ids the stop animation sequences which seem very out of place but they don’t last long enough to ruin the film. Also for those Horror trivia fans out there you might like to know that the guy in the ape costume is none other than Horror legend Kane Hodder.
“House II: The Second Story” is fun, entertaining and, yes, campy but give it a try. It might be better than you remember.