In San Cazador, California, the clumsy vampire hunter Edgar Frog is evicted from his trailer. But the best-seller writer Gwen Lieber offers him a job to destroy the head vampire DJ X that promotes worldwide raves to increase his army of undead.
Well here we are on the third and final instalment of the “Lost Boys” franchise and if I’m honest it ends on a bit of a whimper.
Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying it’s a bad film but there’s no doubting that it has it’s flaws. First of all my problem with Corey Feldman in the film is not his acting ability, we all know what he’s capable of, it’s the fact that he grunts so much throughout that it becomes really irritating. I get that he’s supposed to be this angry, moody character but there are different ways of showing that other than just making noises.
The plot is centred around the character of ‘Edgar Frog’ and whilst we do get an extended cameo from Jamieson Newlander as ‘Alan Frog’ and whilst it was great to see the ‘Frog Brothers’ back together on screen it still would’ve been better if we’d have got more of it and had it wrote more into the plot.
The film has an 80’s feel to it and if that was what it was after then it definitely succeeded, but at times it does seem like it was tried to hard and comes off feeling quite campy. But I will admit that where “Lost Boys: The Tribe” failed this film has managed to accomplish in trying to correct it all.
“Lost Boys: The Thirst” does feel more of a spin off than a sequel but I think that helps it a-lot, it eases the pressure of following up the first film whilst being able to carry on the franchise.
“Lost Boys: The Thirst” is a film that will definitely have it’s haters but at-least give it a chance, you may be pleasantly surprised.
Miscellaneous facts about the film:
After Edgar is thrown into the comic book shelves, a copy of ‘Lost Boys: Reign of Frogs’ can be seen as he starts to get up.
When talking to Edgar, Gwen mentions Santa Carla and Luna Bay. These were the settings for The Lost Boys and Lost Boys: The Tribe respectively.
The opening in which Alan and Edgar are battling vampires in the White House is directly taken from the comic book series Lost Boys: Reign of Frogs. However, in the comics it is revealed the entire story is a fabrication from Edgar whilst in this film it seems true.
Peter mentions Robert Neville and the book “I Am Legend”. Written by Richard Matheson, it has been adapted to film three times as The Last Man on Earth starring Vincent Price, The Omega Man starring Charlton Heston and most recently as I Am Legend starring Will Smith.