The orphan and former surfer Chris Emerson and his sister Nicole Emerson move to Luna Bay expecting to initiate a new life
A sequel was on the cards not long after the huge success of “The Lost Boys”, nobody thought it would take 21 years till we saw a release!
A-lot of criticism surrounded the film, even before it was released. Rumours flew around about the films plot, three ideas for a sequel to “The Lost Boys” were considered. One was a prequel focusing David (‘Keifer Sutherland’) and how he became a vampire, another was titled “The Lost Girls” and another titled “Lost Boys: Devil May Cry”.
Once the plot was settled on Wildstorm comics released a mini-series “The Lost Boys: Reign of the Frogs” which helps bridge the 20-year gap between films – it’s implied that ‘David’ not only survived the impaling but went on to create ‘Shane’ the head vampire in “Lost Boys: The Tribe”. It was actually a really good read and if you can find it I really do recommend it.
One question was on many fans minds – “Who would return for the sequel?” Only Corey Feldman would return as a main character, although he wasn’t keen at first and was very reluctant to re-appear as ‘Edgar Frog’ but he changed his mind when he was offered a larger part in the story. it was a shame that Jamison Newlanders scenes as ‘Alan Frog’ were deleted from the final cut of the film, by now they had grown a cult following in their own right.
I felt the same about Corey Haim’s cameo in the mid-credits scene, that could’ve been such a bigger story in the plot of the film. The sequel also had two alternative endings, in one alternate ending, Edgar is cleaning up after the vampire hunt, when Sam Emerson (who is not a vampire) knocks on his door. Sam warns him that his brother Alan is coming to settle the score, Edgar is reluctant to accept Sam’s help, but Sam insists he needs it. The scene ends with vampiric Alan and a female companion driving wildly to confront Edgar. Another alternate ending is a slightly extended version of the first, but with Sam wearing black sunglasses and showing Edgar bite marks on his neck. I would’ve preferred one of these to the films original sloppy ending.
“Lost Boys – The Tribe” admittedly wasn’t the greatest sequel but it could’ve been so much worse.
Miscellaneous facts about the film:
Corey Haim and Corey Feldman are the only cast members from the The Lost Boys to return. Jamison Newlander also returned but his scenes were deleted.
This film was intended to be a remake of the original set in modern day with Corey Feldman just making a cameo as a homage to the original.
Autumn Reeser, who played Nicole Emerson, despised filming the scenes in which she was covered in blood stating it was ‘disgusting’ and ‘really sticky.’
Towards the beginning of the film, there is a shirtless guy playing the saxophone which is also an homage to the original film.
Aunt Jillian comes to visit Nicole and Chris and brings the DVD movie ‘The Goonies’. Corey Feldman co-starred in 1985’s ‘The Goonies’. His character name was ‘Mouth’.