Well folks, there you have it. The entire “Piranha” franchise review.
I’ve quite enjoyed looking back over this franchise.

For you eagle eyed viewers you’ll have noticed that in the first film the piranhas weren’t the only thing at that base, there was a sort of mutant running around as well. I’ve always wondered what this was and what other crazy things were going on in that lab.
Apparently after directing “Piranha II” Ovidio G. Assonitis was set to produce a third entry in the series in the early 1990s but the proposed third entry never materialized. All I can say is that whatever it would’ve been, we didn’t miss out.
The main problem I have with the reboot of the series is that it was a truly wasted opportunity, it had a chance to be a great monster movie with some serious gore and cool deaths, which essentially it had. Problem was the insane amount of sexualisation, it just ruined what could’ve been a great movie.
The series itself is, well let’s be honest, it’s not exactly great but that first film will always have a special place in my heart. It was a film that scared me so much I wouldn’t go swimming for a long time, nowadays I’m the proud owner of a red belly piranha who I love watching swim around is tank, especially at feeding time.
The “Piranha” franchise is a weak one that started out with a great movie but then went south quickly, we can only imagine what could’ve been.
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