A scuba diving instructor, her biochemist boyfriend, and her police chief ex-husband try to link a series of bizarre deaths to a mutant strain of piranha fish whose lair is a sunken freighter ship off a Caribbean island resort.
After the success of “Piranha” it was no surprise we got a sequel.
I was all for a sequel to “Piranha”, it was a highly enjoyable film and I was hoping for more of the same entertainment. But this sequel took a real swerve, and I mean a huge swerve. Ladies and Gentleman I introduce to you, flying piranhas….
The concept of the flying piranhas was apparently an idea of a Warner Bros. executive, this is just another piece of evidence added to an already long list of why executives should not interfere and leave the ideas to the professionals.
Believe it or not that name you see on the poster, James Cameron, is the exact one you’re thinking of, it is a bit of a strange story though. Most of the work was actually performed by Ovidio G. Assonitis, the film’s producer. Assonitis was dissatisfied with Cameron’s progress after the first week and took over. Apparently Cameron did do the shooting for this movie, but was not allowed to see his footage and was not involved in editing. He broke into the editing room and cut his own version, but was caught and Assonitis re-cut it again.
The film itself is just plain awful, it’s not even a so bad it’s funny, it’s just bad. I found it extremely boring and found it hard to finish watching it, not even Lance Henriksen could save this film and that’s saying something. I just can’t fathom how this managed to be made.