A couple’s wedding day turns horrific as some of the guests start showing signs of a strange illness.
The cycle continues and we go on to film number three.
Now let’s get something cleared up here, some people are confused as to where this movie fits into the timeline of the previous films, this movie isn’t a sequel or a prequel it’s actually a parallel story to the events of “[Rec]”. So what you have here is a film that is set at the same time of the first feature but is a completely different story, some people didn’t like this but I had no problem with it.
What I did have a problem with was the way it was presented, gone was the whole ‘found footage’ theme and with it the shaky cam. The consequences of this were that the movie lost a lot of its creepy atmosphere and the cham was sucked right out of it, what was essentially left was a generic zombie movie where characters just hack and slash their way through the film.
I found my attention wandering elsewhere as the film went on, it was sad really as the first two films had so much going for them and terrified audiences everywhere, they certainly had me gripped, and all of that was gone. I also wasn’t too keen on the whole comedy aspect either, it just did nothing for me at all, it was sad to see really that so much potential had been flushed away.
It was like they’d stripped away everything that fans had enjoyed about the first two films and replaced it with everything generic that we had all become so bored of, I never have and never will understand why they did this as it just made no sense, why change a winning formula?S was it a brave move by the studio? No, they dropped the ball here, plain and simple.
“[Rec] 3 Genesis” is a terrible film and it truly is such a shame, steer clear of it.
Miscellaneous facts about the film:
Comic book artist Tony Moore, known for his work in The Walking Dead (2010) comic book series, drew a poster for this film’s promotion in the United States.
Leticia Dolera had previously portrayed Angela Vidal, the reporter of the previous REC films, in the parody Spanish Movie (2009). The “REC” scenes also featured directors Jaume Balagueró and Paco Plaza.
The origins of the demonic outbreak are explained in the graphic novel “[REC]: Historias Ineditas” (Untold Stories), released alongside “Génesis” in Europe.
Two months before shooting, Leticia Dolera went into the gym with a personal trainer, training five days a week to prepare for the zombie slaying scenes.
Actress Leticia Dolera was born at the same day of Manuela Velasco, star of the first two REC films, Dolera being six years younger.
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