Newly-weds move into a house where a murder was committed, and experience strange manifestations which drive them away.
I’m really excited to be reviewing this franchise, so lets get on with it!
When you mention “The Amityville Horror” I automatically think Horror classic, it maybe hard to imagine now but when this film was originally being filmed for release there wasn’t a-lot of interest or expectation. Because the movie was made on a relatively modest budget, James Brolin took less money up front but with a promise of 10% of the gross sales after its release. After the movie became an unexpected blockbuster (at that time it was in the top ten of all time), he eventually received about $17 million. If adjusted for inflation that would be equivalent to a little over $55 million in 2014 dollars, Smart business move Mr. Brolin.
James Brolin was hesitant when he was first offered the role of George Lutz. He was told that there was no script and that he must obtain a copy of Jay Anson’s novel and read it as soon as possible. Brolin started the book one evening at seven o’clock and was still reading at two o’clock in the morning. He had hung a pair of his pants up in the room earlier and at a really “tense” part in the book, the pants fell down from wherever they had been hanging. Brolin jumped out of his chair, nearly crashing his head into the ceiling. It was then that Brolin said, “There’s something to this story.” He agreed to do the movie.
James Brolin puts in a masterful performance that still gives me goosebumps to this day, he truly stole the films spotlight. Margot Kidder, as talented as she is puts in quite a sloppy performance but since going on record stating that she hated the film this is no surprise. Apart from that the rest of the cast put in some worthwhile performances that make the film great viewing.
Director Stuart Rosenberg manages to deliver such a thick atmospheric feature that is sometimes hard to watch (in a good way) and cinematographer Fred J. Koenekamp gave us such amazing scenes that were an inspiration to many and so artistic for the viewer.
“The Amityville Horror” may not have aged well and seem very dated when viewed today but it’s still a classic Horror none the less. I still love the film and watch it regularly, if you haven’t seen it then you’re truly missing out.