Well folks, there you have it. The entire “The Blob” franchise review.
It’s been so much fun looking back over this franchise.
The original Blob from 1958 has never actually dried out and is still kept in the original five-gallon pail. It was put on display over the years as a part of the annual ‘Blobfest’, held over a three-day period each summer in Phoenixville, PA, which provided a number of the shooting locales for the film. In addition to displaying the Blob and miniatures used in the shooting, the event features a reenactment of the famous scene in which panicked theatergoers rush to exit the town’s still-functioning Colonial Theater, as well as several showings of the film.
Whilst “Beware! The Blob” was in production, Jack H. Harris was also in the process of preparing a sequel, “Curse Of The Blob”, but these plans were never implemented. It’s such a shame really as I’d love to have seen where these sequels would’ve gone, would we have “The Blob: The Origin Story”? It would’ve been fun but I guess there’s only so much you can do with a killer blob.
Also according to producer Jack H. Harris, there were at least two proposed television series based on this film. None had made it to the pilot stage. Harris jokingly suggested that “The Blob” could become a good guy and solve crimes. I think this could work now more than ever as TV series have now overtaken film and it fits in well with the recent boom of Sci-Horror.
There has been talks of another remake for quite some time now, the main name attached to the project was Rob Zombie but word came out he had dropped the project and Simon West was in place. Personally I think this remake will stay in ‘Development Hell”, though I wouldn’t mind a tv series or even a comic book run, that would be interesting.
“The Blob” Franchise is a fun one, all three films have their own charm and I highly recommend them all.